管着王室的主要交通工具,包括马拉的四轮车和机动车,主要用于加冕礼、国事访问、王室婚礼、国会开幕大典(State Opening of Parliament)以及订婚仪式。 2013年7月17日,一段广播体操快闪视频走红微博,闪客是一群中国留学生,在英国白金汉宫前的广场上,做白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James’ Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉起了最具中国特色的广播体操《时代在召唤》。如果不是背后明晃晃的白金汉宫注明了发生地,瞧这整齐的队列,熟悉的音乐以及动作,你肯定以为这是某学校的课间操。在熟悉的节奏声中,越来越多的中国留学生加入队伍,四下的欢呼声盖过了口号,噼里啪啦的闪光灯让视频看着都晃眼。 开放时间: 2013年7月27日至8月31日9:30至19:00; 2013年9月1日至9月29日9:30至18:30 平均参观时间:2小时至2个半小时之间 基本参观门票:成人19镑,学生17镑
餐盘。[/cn] [en]As the modest starting salary indicates, the job is near the bottom of the Palace hierarchy. But whoever fills the vacancy will rub shoulders with the Queen and Prince Philip.[/en][cn]不起眼的起薪说明这份工作在皇宫等级中地位较低。但不管是谁担任此项职位,都将直接和女王以及菲利普亲王打交道。[/cn] [en]The job advertisement, which appears on the Royal Household website, says the post holder ‘will have contact with Members of the Royal Family, guests and all levels of Royal Household staff’.[/en][cn]英国皇室网站上的招聘广告称,应聘成功者“将会接触到皇室成员、皇室贵宾以及各个等级的皇室内部员工”。[/cn] [en]Although based at Buckingham Palace, whoever is hired will also work at other royal residences, such as Balmoral and Sandringham, for up to three months each year and play a role in [w]hospitality[/w] for official banquets and private entertaining by the Royals.[/en][cn]虽然主要工作地点在白金汉宫,这名员工也会在其他的皇家宅邸工作,比如巴尔莫勒尔城堡和桑德林汉姆别墅。这样的情况每年最多三个月,主要任务是在皇家举办的正式宴会和私人宴请中为宾客服务。[/cn] [en]The assistant’s main duty will be ‘high quality cleaning, presentation and guest care in the post holder’s designated area, consisting of the personal rooms of the Royal Family, their guests’ suites, State Apartments, [w=cloakroom]cloakrooms[/w], staff and office accommodation, staircases and corridors’.[/en][cn]这名助理的主要职责是“在指定区域完成高质量的清洁、布置以及宾客服务,这些区域包括皇室家族的私人房间,宾客套房,国宾公寓,衣帽间,皇室职员住处,楼梯和走廊”。[/cn] [en]The 40-hour-a-week job requires someone with a ‘friendly, polite and [w]approachable[/w] disposition and an ability to be discrete and maintain confidentiality’.[/en][cn]这份每周工作时长40小时的工作要求应聘者“亲切友好、彬彬有礼、平易近人,而且能够保守秘密”。[/cn] [en]In 2003, there was an outcry over Royal [w]extravagance[/w] after it was revealed that Prince Charles had a favourite servant who squeezed the toothpaste tube for him before he cleaned his teeth.[/en][cn]2003年,查尔斯王子被曝出每次刷牙前都白金汉宫由他最喜爱的佣人帮他挤牙膏,这引发了民众对于皇室奢侈生活的强烈抗议。[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
餐盘。[/cn] [en]As the modest starting salary indicates, the job is near the bottom of the Palace hierarchy. But whoever fills the vacancy will rub shoulders with the Queen and Prince Philip.[/en][cn]不起眼的起薪说明这份工作在皇宫等级中地位较低。但不管是谁担任此项职位,都将直接和女王以及菲利普亲王打交道。[/cn] [en]The job advertisement, which appears on the Royal Household website, says the post holder ‘will have contact with Members of the Royal Family, guests and all levels of Royal Household staff’.[/en][cn]英国皇室网站上的招聘广告称,应聘成功者“将会接触到皇室成员、皇室贵宾以及各个等级的皇室内部员工”。[/cn] [en]Although based at Buckingham Palace, whoever is hired will also work at other royal residences, such as Balmoral and Sandringham, for up to three months each year and play a role in [w]hospitality[/w] for official banquets and private entertaining by the Royals.[/en][cn]虽然主要工作地点在白金汉宫,这名员工也会在其他的皇家宅邸工作,比如巴尔莫勒尔城堡和桑德林汉姆别墅。这样的情况每年最多三个月,主要任务是在皇家举办的正式宴会和私人宴请中为宾客服务。[/cn] [en]The assistant’s main duty will be ‘high quality cleaning, presentation and guest care in the post holder’s designated area, consisting of the personal rooms of the Royal Family, their guests’ suites, State Apartments, [w=cloakroom]cloakrooms[/w], staff and office accommodation, staircases and corridors’.[/en][cn]这名助理的主要职责是“在指定区域完成高质量的清洁、布置以及宾客服务,这些区域包括皇室家族的私人房间,宾客套房,国宾公寓,衣帽间,皇室职员住处,楼梯和走廊”。[/cn] [en]The 40-hour-a-week job requires someone with a ‘friendly, polite and [w]approachable[/w] disposition and an ability to be discrete and maintain confidentiality’.[/en][cn]这份每周工作时长40小时的工作要求应聘者“亲切友好、彬彬有礼、平易近人,而且能够保守秘密”。[/cn] [en]In 2003, there was an outcry over Royal [w]extravagance[/w] after it was revealed that Prince Charles had a favourite servant who squeezed the toothpaste tube for him before he cleaned his teeth.[/en][cn]2003年,查尔斯王子被曝出每次刷牙前都白金汉宫由他最喜爱的佣人帮他挤牙膏,这引发了民众对于皇室奢侈生活的强烈抗议。[/cn]
克尔的订婚戒指所启发”而推出的实惠款戒指上有三枚钻石,就像王妃的戒指一样,而且指环还可以调整。[/cn] [en]According to the website, the ring, which is made of [w]palladium[/w] instead of gold, can also be worn as a set - with matching earrings and pendant.[/en][cn]根据网站上的信息,这款戒指是用
[en]This Is When You'll Get a First Glimpse of Kate Middleton's Baby Bump[/en][cn]凯特三度怀孕后首次亮相[/cn] [en]Ever since the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William announced they were expecting their third child earlier this month, the mother of two has been on bed rest while she battles severe morning sickness.[/en][cn]本月初,英国皇室宣布凯特王妃第三次怀孕。但由于严重的妊娠反应,王妃一直卧床休息。[/cn] [en]But royal fans will be delighted to hear that Kate is expected to be well enough to make her first public appearance since her pregnancy news next month: It's just been announced that Kate will attend a reception on World Mental Health Day with William and Prince Harry at Buckingham Palace on October 10.[/en][cn]但最近,王妃的粉丝们的福利到了,据报道,凯特王妃的情况已经有所好转,将于10月10日与威廉王子和哈里王子出席在白金汉宫举办的“世界精神卫生日”主题欢迎会。[/cn] [en]Earlier this week, the Duchess appeared in a video for the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, in which children were encouraged to talk about their "big" and "small" feelings as part of the charity's new campaign,"You're never too young to talk mental health."[/en][cn]本周,凯特出现在一档给儿童提供心理健康服务的节目中,这档节目名为“谈论心理健康永远都不嫌早”,该节目鼓励孩子们讲出他们或大或小的心理问题。[/cn] [en]Kate, William, and Harry will also be joined by guests from leading mental health organizations.[/en][cn]凯特,威廉和哈里王子将以嘉宾的身份来推动精神健康组织的发展。[/cn] [en]The royal trio are dedicated to bringing awareness to mental health and their campaign Heads Together, which aims to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues.[/en][cn]三位王室成员致力于唤起大众对于“精神健康”的重视,以此推动精神健康问题的发展。[/cn] [en]The big question on our minds is what will she wear for her first public appearance since announcing she was pregnant. Place your bets now.[/en][cn]目前,人们最关心的是王妃首次亮相时的穿着。你觉得王妃会以怎样的形象示人呢?[/cn] (翻译:进击的Meredith)
白金汉宫外交招待会 皇室标配配饰都大有来头
带上);嘉德星章(别在裙子上)。[/cn] [en]11. Dress by the Queen's Personal Assistant and Senior Dresser, Angela Kelly LVO.[/en][cn]由女王私人助理和高级服装师安吉拉•凯利定制的长裙。[/cn] [en]Philip[/en][cn]菲利普[/cn] [en]12. Order of the Garter star –Philip is a Knight of the Order - and garter, attached to his breeches.[/en][cn]嘉德星章——菲利普是嘉德骑士,还有系在裤腿上的吊袜带。[/cn] [en]13. Philip's left breast groans under the weight of 17 medals which range from his own service medals from the Second World War to the various Jubilee and Coronation medals he has acquired through sheer longevity.[/en][cn]菲利普左胸前佩戴了17枚沉甸甸的徽章,从二战时期自己取得的服务勋章,到多年来获得的周年纪念章和加冕章,不一而足。[/cn] [en]Red and blue cross worn on a red and blue ribbon around the neck is the Order of Merit, a dynastic order in the personal gift of the Queen and restricted to 24 members.[/en][cn]脖子上戴了红蓝缎带,系着红蓝十字架,也
庆典演唱耀白金汉宫 查尔斯号召为老父加油
生在宿舍中安顿妥当。 学生服务 福利与教导制度至关重要,学生将能够获得个别辅导员的帮助,学生顾问以及福利工作人员将随时提供帮助。 奖学金及荣誉 白金汉大学有一些公费生名额,并且将根据学生的学习潜力与经济需要提供奖学金。学生一旦接到白金汉大学的正式录取通知书,便可申请经济资助。 白金汉大学的教职员工对每名学生均关怀备至,并且为此而深感自豪。该校注重教学质量,于1994年荣获女王颁发的对外教育成就奖。该奖是为了表彰白金汉大学在为世界各国留学生提供一流的教育服务方面作出的贡献。 入学语言要求 1. 攻读学士学位者:IELTS成绩6分以上; 2. 攻读硕士学位者:IELTS成绩6.5分以上; 3. 对未达到语言要求的学生可先进入语言中心进行语言学习,期限为三个月至一年。 申请方法:本科通过UCAS或直接向白金汉学校申请,研究生直接向学校申请 >>进入英国大学排名专题<<