
莎拉还活着?! 《越狱》第四季第一集 在线看>>
曾经在粉丝中引起轩然大波的莎拉之死居然是个幌子!第三季里头盒装的脑袋不是咱Micheal家医生姐姐的。究竟是当初林肯大哥眼残看走了眼?还是迈克与众粉丝哭着闹着高唱“你快回来我一人承受不来”?抑或女演员生完孩子决定接着赚奶粉钱?收视率作祟 or 编剧回心转意?其中真相,恐怕只有当事人才知道。


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#5 Sara Tancredi is ALIVE!?  4.01
During season three of Prison Break, we find out that Sara is killed by being beheaded… or so we thought. At the beginning of season four during the 2-part premiere, it's revealed that Sara Tancredi, lover of Michael Scofield, is indeed alive and later found. So we are left with the nagging question: whose head was in the box Lincoln found? Evidently, it was a woman who was kidnapped with Sara who Gretchen had killed to fool the brothers into doing her dirty work.

双语:《P.S. I Love You》教你写甜蜜情书