2013-12-11 13:48
"The Walking Dead" fans who have been wondering whether or not we'll see Carol again in Season 4 can wonder no more. According to Robert Kirkman, she is for sure coming back before season's end.
《行尸走肉》粉丝们都想知道Carol到底会不会再出现在《行尸走肉》第四季。据Robert Kirkman透露,她将会在第四季结局前回归。
TV Guide reports that Kirkman says Carol "will definitely return before the end of the season." But that's not all viewers have to look forward to. The "Sanctuary" mentioned in the radio signal Daryl, Michonne, Bob Stookey and Tyreese heard in the car will "come into play," and there will be some flashbacks to look forward to as well.
《电视指南》杂志报道,Kirkman说Carol "肯定会在第四季结束前回归,"不过这也许不是所有粉丝都这么想。而Daryl、Michonne、Bob Stookey和Tyreese之前在车载广播里听到的关于避难所的消息,第四季后半段也会演绎。
The confirmation of those flashbacks seems to explain what executive producer Gale Anne Hurd teased about viewers seeing Hershel again. Though he died in the midseason finale, his daughters Beth and Maggie could remember earlier times with their father. TV Guide speculates that the flashbacks could also resolve Michonne's strange reaction to holding baby Judith.
而这些回归消息也说明了为什么Gale Anne Hurt之前透露说我们还会再见Hershel的原因。虽然Hershel在第四季季中的时候死掉了,不过他的女儿Beth 和Maggie可能会还有一段关于父亲的回忆片段。另外《电视指南》还报道,第四季后半段的闪回剧情可能还会上演关于Michonne抱着Judith的奇怪反应的原因。
"The Walking Dead" returns with the second half of Season 4 in February on AMC.