Sara gets in trouble posing as a temp agent. A guard apprehends her, thinking that she stole his badge from his work station (which she probably did!).

Lincoln and Mahone sit in a car watching Sara through binocluars. Lincoln calls Michael and tells him that Sara’s in trouble.

Michael steps out of the server room where he’s been working with Roland. “Keep working!” he yells back at him.

Sara goes through her purse. “Like I said sir, I don’t have your badge. Excuse me, I need to leave.”

“Tell your story to the cops, sister,” the guard replies.

Michael pulls the alarm. The guard walks over to his desk, telling Sara to stay put. She walks out the door as the guard calls after her.

Michael returns to the room and tells Roland that they need to leave. “We’re almost there … almost there … Got it!” Roland yells as he packs up his equipment. Unfortunately the door locked when the alarm went off, locking them in! Not only that, but in order to protect the servers from fire damage, “It sucks all the oxygen out of this room,” Michael says.
