
Can Glenn and Maggie survive captivity in Woodbury?

After Glenn fought off the walker Merle threw at him and Maggie survived The Governor's near-rape, things couldn't look worse for the show's formerly happy couple. At least they're together now, and there's strength in numbers... but the episode's promo leaves no question The Governor wants them dead.

What happens when Michonne meets Penny?

We know from the "Talking Dead" sneak peek scene that Michonne somehow makes it inside The Governor's apartment and discovers where he hides Penny. And we see a completely different side of Michonne as she attempts to comfort the girl she thinks is merely The Governor's prisoner. So what happens when she pulls that sack off Penny's head and discovers the truth...

Do Merle and Daryl still have the bond of brotherhood?

Merle may not give a crap about Glenn or Maggie, but he still wants to see Daryl again. Now that Daryl is just outside of Woodbury with Rick, Michonne and Oscar, Merle may get his wish. And we know from the promo that Daryl tells Rick he needs to see Merle.

Is Carl capable of holding down the prison?

No character has grown more than Carl in these past seven episodes. If anyone can keep Hershel, Beth and Carol safe while Rick and Daryl are away, it's Carl -- especially considering the way he wields a gun.

How does Tyreese fit into any of this?

We know the midseason finale will introduce a brand new character: Tyreese (Chad Coleman), who joined Rick's crew a whole lot earlier in the comic book series. In the comics, he's Rick's right-hand man and functions in many of the ways Daryl does on the show. But Daryl isn't in the comics at all, and the team behind "Walking Dead" are always looking to keep the TV series unpredictable by going their own way. So it's not much use speculating on what kind of guy Tyreese will be, until we see it.