《权力的游戏》第二季4月1日回归 最新预告勾起你的观看欲!
沪江小编:HBO电视网美剧《权利的游戏》第一季取得了巨大的成功,第二季也正在紧锣密鼓的拍摄之中。好消息是,《权利的游戏》第二季首播时间已经确定:4月1日(北京时间4月2日)!近日HBO就放出了一则名叫You Win Or You Die的预告片!绝对挑起你的观看欲!
On Sunday, ahead of the series premiere of its David Milch horseracing drama Luck, HBO unspooled the first full-length trailer for season two of the George R.R. Martin fantasy drama.
Here are the five best lines from the minute-long promo:
1. "A very small man can cast a very large shadow."
2. "Killing you would send your brother a message"
3. "You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want you dead."
4. "I am Daenerys Targaryen and I will take what is mine, with fire and blood."
5. "Evil can be killed."
Watch the promo, titled "You Win or You Die," below and hit the comments with your thoughts on which character you can't wait to see more of in season two.
Game of Thrones returns Sunday, April 1 on HBO.