Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us. Other times, it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it.
crash into 闯入
dawn on 渐渐开始明白

绯闻女孩这两句话主要是说明领悟现实的两种状况,一个是猛地一下顿悟,而另一种则是渐渐地领悟,用的这两个词挺好。dawn on本意是太阳渐渐升起天越来越亮的意思。

I can't be resting on my laurels.
resting on my laurels 安于现状,固步自封 relying on previous accolades or successes
laurels就是月桂枝,是荣誉与成就的象征。不知道跟阿波罗达芙妮那个神话故事有没有关系,反正是罗马时期用来编制皇冠的。resting on my laurels跟我们说的躺在功劳簿上差不多。

It slipped my mind. 
slip one's mind 忘记了

That she's holed up with some married politician, acting like some sort of teenage Rielle Hunter? 
hole up 躲藏起来
Rielle Hunter是个美国女演员,与民主党候选人John Edwards有过婚外情。

You've been ducking work all week. 
duck 一头钻入

maybe--maybe this will all blow over.
blow over 轻松过关 pass over with little lasting effect
I am a fan of not stepping on them when I'm at John Derian. 
John Derian 是著名的家饰设计店。

No matter who's looking over our shoulder. 
look over shoulder 回头看

Spotted--an "it" girl with an "it" bag. 
"it" girl 物质女孩 a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements
"it" girl是指性感迷人的年轻女士,或是经常现身主流媒体及终日参加聚会的女性。她们的个人成就并不是其受到的媒体关注的主要原因。对某人一个it girl 的称谓常常是暂时性的,她们中发展势头良好的会最终成为真正意味上的明星,其他人的将在流行过后淡出公众视野。这个词来源于1927年时英国小说及剧作家 Elinor Glyn,用来形容好莱坞片《It》中性感、品位及性格的女主角Clara Bow。1927年,英国小说家Elinor Glyn用“It Girl”形容了一个好莱坞史上首个打性感牌的女星Clara Bow,其25岁时就已拍了48部电影,是默片时代的顶梁柱明星之一,在电影《It》中她以轻巧的Flapper Look成为1920年代大众的模仿形象。

I've never seen one in the flesh. 
in the flesh 真容 Alive; In person; present.

O.M.G.! Twins! 
O.M.G = oh my god 我的天哪!

Well, great minds shop alike. 
great minds shop alike 从Great minds think alike演变而来,英雄所见略同。

If you went toe-to-toe with paul hoffman that you couldn't take him down? 
toe to toe 当面对峙 in close and direct confrontation, competition

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题