1. My inbox is overflowing.
overflow 充溢

2. It looks like S left big shoes to fill, and someone find them the perfect fit.
big shoes to fill 指前任干得很成功,后人要花大力气才能赶上
例句:Yaoming's shoes are just too big for anyone else to fill.

3. - So, uh... a sit-in?
- More like a lie-in, at least until the sun goes down.
sit-in 静坐示威

4. Now that you've spent your whole summer drinking your coffee out of Cece's china, will it taste as good coming out of your "welcome back, kotter" mug at home?
Welcome Back, Kotter是美国一部经典的肥皂剧,这里说的应该是纪念周边马克杯吧?

5. You left America a star. But after your exploits in Europe, you've come back a supernova.
supernova 超新星

6. You might create another mob scene.
mob 暴民
mob scene是暗指狗仔围追堵截的混乱场面。

7. I thought after the whole arrest scandal, out of sight, out of mind.
out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦

8. But the little white lies that I tell my family are none of your business.
white lie 无伤大雅的谎言

9. Turns out goop is good for something.
goop 笨蛋

10. You turn from Jane Austen to Anais Nin.
Jane Austen大家都认识吧?英国著名女作家简·奥斯丁,《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与情感》的作者,她小说中的女主角通常都是完美结局,但她本人却终身未嫁。
Anais Nin则是兼具西班牙、巴西、丹麦血统的美国传奇女作家。她与著名作家亨利·米勒及其妻子琼有着暧昧关系,又在当时大都市国际艺术圈和社交圈的收放自如、飘忽神秘,其大胆开放的性意识更是让她被冠以下半身写作先驱代表的头衔。