-Rumor has it he kept this place in booze during prohibition. So you like old Joe?
Chuck: Rumrunner, womanize, millionaire. He was my kind of guy.
- They all used to come here back in the day-- Gangsters, fighters, musicians, dangerous folks, no doubt. But they had style. Something tells me you'd fit right in.
Rumor has it…: 江湖传闻……
booze: 豪饮,也可以表示喝醉的意思。另外醉了还可以说I’m drunk./. 如果你坚持自己是清醒的话, 就是I am sober.还有一个跟酒醉有关的字叫 hangover, 中文翻成宿醉, 也就是指喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛等等的症状。DWI (driving while intoxicated) 或者DUI (Driving under influence), 就是醉酒驾车的意思。
rumrunner酒类走私犯, womanizer玩女人
He was my kind of guy: 他跟我是一类人,臭味相投
fit in: 适应一个地方,融入一个团队

Chuck: Did you read the proposal?
Bart: Why would I do that?
Chuck: Because... the tax break will be huge. Saving a landmark buys us amazing PR, engenders goodwill in the community, paving the way for future investment. Plus, it's a great place. Look, father, let me take you there and show you around. I'll make you a believer, I promise.
tax break: 减免税收(为了鼓励富人多参与慈善活动,政府通常会在税收上给予一定的优惠。比如你捐款10万元,那么你就可以少交10万的税)
PR: Public Relation, 公共关系,有时候也说publicity(公众形象),后面SerenaDan谈起她妈妈的party说到My mom hosted this big party. It as supposed to be about our new family,but it turns out, of course, it was for publicity.”
engenders goodwill: 树立善良亲民的形象
paving the way for: 为……铺路
I'll make you a believer: 我会让你相信这一切都是真的



Blair: Bet's off.
Chuck: But the game's not over.
Blair: I'm calling it on account of boredom. You were right. Vanessa's not worth playing with.
Chuck: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Why the sudden change of heart?
Blair: Like I said, the whole thing is dull. Pursuing Vanessa is beneath us both.
Chuck: You think I'm going in for the kill. You're worried you're gonna have to go through with what you promised.
on account of: 因为
Why the sudden change of heart?: 这里Blair看到ChuckVanessa好像有点来真的了,就跑去跟C说“不赌了,不玩了”,C就问她“你为什么突然改主意了?”
beneath us both: 有失我们的身份,降低我们的水准
kill: (1)这里表示做个了断,跟后面那个go through with是一个意思,都表示结束,完成,把……进心到底。(2) to finish, to turn off,比如关灯,关电脑,关引擎等,都可以用kill. 后面LilySerena和好如初那段,LilyBart“你没让记者发表那篇文章吧”,说这句话的时候,Lily用的就是You killed the story, don’t you? (3) kill还可以表示很厉害,很在行的意思,比如一个人穿了一件很迷人的衣服,就叫做dress to kill,某个人在某方面很在行,那么他就是这方面的killer, 所以很讨女人喜欢的男人,就是lady killer.

Lily: Eric, my darling, you are always honest with me. It isn't true, is it?
Eric: I know Serena's timing sucked, but she did pretty much raise me all those years. Oh... you just weren't here, you know?
Lily: I wasn't that bad.
Eric: Our ringtone for you was "since you been gone", used to sign our permission slips from school.
Lily: Well, there was a lot going on in my life.
I know Serena's timing sucked: 我知道Serena选的时机不对
since you been gone: Kelly Clarkson的成名曲,她曾经参加American Idol并因此而走红。
There was a lot going on in my life: 我生活中发生了很多事情,我也有很多烦恼。

Dan: Well, like I said, I tried to help him, and then he bailed.
bail: to exit, leave , bounce, take off. 这里Dan想要帮助Nate,让N住到他们家,但是却被N拒绝了。

Coming to rub my nose in it? Falling for your line of bull...
rub my nose in it: Chuck去酒吧找店主,店主说“干嘛,你故意过来示威/看我的落魄样子?”这里的rub my nose in it指戳某人的痛楚,揭某人的伤疤。s02e04的笔记里曾经用到Blair对Serena说过的一句话"Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?",这句话里的rub it in one's face也有同样的意思。外中文说的“在我眼皮底下”,英文叫做do something right under my nose
fall for: 轻信,fall for somebody表示爱上某人

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