Glad to have you aboard this time. 
have sb. aboard 有某人参与

Dress is black-tie.
black-tie 正式穿着

Like it's been such a banner year for the Humphreys? 
banner year 得意年

here's Nancy Drew now.
Nancy Drew南茜·朱尔是电影《少女妙探》的主角,这里正好小J去取证据嘛,很恰当。

so pretend you're well-bred and be polite. 
well-bred 好教养

Like when you stab me in the back.
stab in the back 背后捅一刀

I've been dying to get ahold of you. 
get ahold of 联系某人

only Holland tells him Lily and Rufus are copper-bottom. 
copper-bottom 用粗绳绑定

he'll be gone for good.  
go for good 一走了之,溜之大吉
for good是forever永远的意思。


Someone must have tipped him off. 
tip off 告诫,泄露

You can't "Affair to Remember" me. 
Affair to Remember《金玉盟》英俊的富家子Nicky Ferrante和美丽的夜总会歌手Terry McKay在从欧洲到纽约的船上展开了一段罗曼史。在船上众人的关注下,两人相约六个月后在纽约的帝国大厦见面……

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题