Ew. You wish. 
you wish 你想得美哦!

Does this mean she's finally out from under her father's spell? 
under one's spell 被某人迷住 Fascinated or influenced by someone

Why not let things end on a good note?
end on good note 见好就收,和平分手

because Dan loves being in the middle of these things.
in the middle of something 插一手

I just got caught up in the moment,  and it came out all wrong.
catch up in the moment 一时兴起
come out wrong 表错意

He gave you one when you bailed on Brown.
bail on 失约,放鸽子

Are you really taking his side right now? 
take one's side 站在某人这边,帮某人

Who are you, House? 

Philosophy of war?  Hmm. I'm finally home.
finally home在这里的意思表示“我终于找到归宿”了,其实是B的自嘲。

so he sent Frick and Frack to ruin my date?
Frick and Frack 好搭档 two people who are closely linked in some way, especially through a work partnership
Frick and Frack是美国俩男子花滑运动员,这俩是搭档哦。

No way would another upper east sider shtup Rufus. 
shtup 【意第绪语(犹太无产阶级语言)】发生性关系

Yeah. It's also "Fatal Attraction."  I just can't handle dead bunnies. 
Fatal Attraction是迈克尔道格拉斯主演的电影《致命诱惑》

She's the one who can connect all the dots, 
connect all the dots 了解情况,理清头绪