看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.18 盛大的佣人婚礼
2010-04-15 10:06
Take her to blue hill upstate or buy her those louboutins at saks.
Blue Hill是位于纽约北部的一家高档餐厅,在温彻斯特郡的山庄里头,听听就觉得很牛吧?
What on earth is going on?
on earth 究竟
they will disown me. Or worse, they will kidnap and take back to old country.
It's like living with Howard Hughes.
Howard Hughes霍华德·休斯是美国著名航空家,工程师,企业家,电影导演,花花公子,怪人以及当时世界上最富有的人之一。和这边的联系是……因为脾气古怪?
He sent good cop.
good cop 和事佬;老娘舅
You're blair waldorf. "punishment" is your middle name.
middle name中名通常会使用父亲的名字或者母亲的娘家姓,所以很多人的中名同姓一样在出生前就已经注定了。口语里面就经常会用XXX是你的中名来表示这个人生来就如何如何。
Not a soul. I promise.
no a soul 一个人也没有,一个人也不会说
My slavic language skills are a little rusty, But I'm pretty sure she just said, "over my dead goat." Or "body." the words are very similar.
over one's dead body 除非我死了
From what I can gather, dorota's in a bind.
in a bind 处于困境
I am divorcée.
divorcée 离过婚的人
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题
Blue Hill是位于纽约北部的一家高档餐厅,在温彻斯特郡的山庄里头,听听就觉得很牛吧?
What on earth is going on?
on earth 究竟
they will disown me. Or worse, they will kidnap and take back to old country.
It's like living with Howard Hughes.
Howard Hughes霍华德·休斯是美国著名航空家,工程师,企业家,电影导演,花花公子,怪人以及当时世界上最富有的人之一。和这边的联系是……因为脾气古怪?
He sent good cop.
good cop 和事佬;老娘舅
You're blair waldorf. "punishment" is your middle name.
middle name中名通常会使用父亲的名字或者母亲的娘家姓,所以很多人的中名同姓一样在出生前就已经注定了。口语里面就经常会用XXX是你的中名来表示这个人生来就如何如何。
Not a soul. I promise.
no a soul 一个人也没有,一个人也不会说
My slavic language skills are a little rusty, But I'm pretty sure she just said, "over my dead goat." Or "body." the words are very similar.
over one's dead body 除非我死了
From what I can gather, dorota's in a bind.
in a bind 处于困境
I am divorcée.
divorcée 离过婚的人
时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题