



14. What are the speakers complaining about?
A. The loud music B. The strict rules. C. The busy week.

15. When does this conversation probably take place?
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

16. What are the speakers going to do next?
A. To visit the doctor’s. B. To go to their neighbor’s. C. To call the police.

17. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife B. doctor and patient C. musician and audience

阅读完14题,我们就能发现loud music这样的线索词,显然这是噪声场景,在高考听力中噪声通常都是由roommate、neighbor造成的。剩下的我们只要按照常识去推理就可以了。什么时间会觉得噪声特别吵呢?晚上。之后我们也会很容易想到既然觉得噪声吵,接下来会干什么呢?自然是去找neighbor,让他turn the music down。再看17题,两个人会在大半夜的讨论噪声的问题,那他们之间会是什么关系?很显然两人住在一起,只能是A. Husband and wife。由此,在读题的过程中,我们就已经把试题全部解决了。


W: I wish those people across the street would turn their music down. It's so loud.
M: I know, darling. I just can't sleep. They are only allowed to play music up until 10:30 on week nights, and it's already 11:30.
W: I’ll have a really important meeting tomorrow morning. And I'll have to go and see the doctor in the afternoon. If they don't-be quiet soon, I'll never get to sleep.
M: We should go up to their house and ask them to turn it down.
W: Well, I really don't want to talk to them. They are not very friendly people.
M: Anyway, we can at least try. If they don't listen, we'll just pick up the phone and call the police.
W: That sounds like a good idea. Let's get dressed.


15. Why did Jane call Mike?
A. To ask him to meet her. B. To tell him about Tom. C. To borrow his car.

16. Where will Jane be in about one hour?
A. At Mike’s place. B. At the airport. C. At a garage.

17. What can we infer from the conversation?
A. Jane has just learned to drive.
B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.
C. Mike will go to the airport.

同样通读题中所给的三道问题,可以了解到是这是听力中的车坏场景。高考听力中凡是车坏场景中只有女生的车坏,男生的车从来就没有坏过,女生车坏的时候一定会说一句:I couldn’t start it。阅读试题后可以发现题目中提及的人物只有Jane是女生,所以17题中B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.应该是正确选项。顺着这样的思路我们可以继续推理,Jane的车不好,所以打电话给Mike,那打电话的原因显然是C. To borrow his car。如果Jane想借Mike的车,那一个小时后Jane会在哪里呢?显然是A. At Mike’s place.由此,通过阅读题目,在听题之前就可以推测出全部答案。核对原文之后,毫无悬念的又一次证明了笔者的推测。


M: Hello!
W: Hello, Mike! This is Jane.
M: Oh. Hello, Jane!
W: Listen, Mike! I’ve got a real problem.
M: What is it?
W: The car’s broken down.
M: Oh, not again.
W: Yeah. I checked the oil and I checked almost everything. It’s just not starting at all.
M: You have to get rid of it, you know.
W:I know ,I know. But look, the thing is, I’ve got to pick Tom up at the airport. Can I…?
M: Use my car? Yes, of course.
W: That’ll be great! It’s very kind of you.
M: Come on when you like. I don’t need it till tonight.
W: OK! I’ll be around in about an hour. Thanks a lot!
M: It’s all right. See you then!
W: See you!