沪江小编:中国的房价一直是广大人民群众最敏感的神经,走出校园的我们,也要面临买房的问题,各位在这里和教研君一起探讨下房价的英文表述的问题吧。万众期待的“房价”,你知道用英语怎么来表达吗?让教研君来告诉你权威的翻译版本:property price / housing price

解决了用英语表达“房价”的问题,想必大家也非常期待了解房价相关的背景知识吧!房地产市场,一二三线城市,房价泡沫等,这些和我们日常生活息息相关的词汇,你知道它们怎么用英语怎么说吗?接下来让教研君和大家一起通过一种新的方式 — 图表化解读China Daily,来学习这些词汇的英文表达,探讨房价的前世与今生。

图表化解读China Daily,其实是教研君平时阅读China Daily学习英语的一种方法,就是将报刊中的一些报道进行整理归纳,摘要出精华部分进行事实分析,同时将其出现的重点内容图表化,让大家更形象地了解它们,在不经意间让你的词汇量暴涨。

教研君从China Daily的各种报道中,为大家整理归纳了四段来学习,每段只有两个句子,赶紧和教研君一起来慢慢分析吧。

China Daily:

According to China Daily, across more and more second- and third-tier cities, prices have been as much as halved in some cases amid reports of overcapacity and a collapse in demand. Recent price panics in more and more of China's second- and third-tier cities don't signal the start of any property bubble-bursting process generally.


二三线城市(second- and third-tier cities)房价的下降是源于产能过剩(overcapacity)以及需求的降低(a collapse in demand),但这并不意味着任何房地产泡沫(property bubble)爆破


Property prices across China, often seen as a barometer of the overall health of the economy, are once again on the front pages. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's 2014 goal of GDP growth is 7.5 percent.


由此可知,房价(property price)一直是中国经济是否健康发展的晴雨表(barometer),而国家总理李克强也把今年的GDP增长速度定在了7.5%,比起往年有所下降,为什么呢?因为中国经济自从改革开放以来在过去二三十年里一直保持高速增长,但随着各地区不平衡的发展(unbalanced development)以及人口红利(demographic dividend)的逐渐消退,中国经济现在正面临发展的瓶颈,而作为中国经济晴雨表的房价首当其冲,尤其是二三线城市出现下滑也不足为奇。


Over the past 20 to 30 years, first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have enjoyed an unparalleled economic boom in comparison with China's numerous provincial capitals and smaller cities. It must be highlighted here that this is not just a property boom but major development of all aspects of urban infrastructure such as transportation, health and education.


在过去二三十年的经济发展中,一线城市(first-tier cities)相比其他省会城市(provincial capitals)以及小城市来说,享受到前所未有的经济繁荣(economic boom),这带来的不仅仅是房地产的繁荣(property boom),还包括交通,医疗健康,教育的各种发展。

Property prices across China's first-tier cities have cooled in recent times, a reflection of the cooling in the Chinese economy overall. There will not be any price crash in first-tier cities, merely a cooling, followed by far more modest gains from now on.


因此,中国一线城市现在的房价变化体现了中国最近经济的现状,那就是暂时冷却(cooling),但不会有任何价格暴跌(price crash),而且随着中国接下来经济的改革,一线城市的房价还会持续较温和的增长(modest gains)

接下来我们用Mind Map来总结一下吧!


According to the statement of this passage, what will be the trend of future property price in Shanghai?

A. In a panic  B. Decline  C. Gradual gains   戳这里查看答案~

