读书笔记:艾米莉•勃朗特 - 《呼啸山庄》06
Chapter Two. Part 2
The business of eating being concluded, and no one uttering a word of sociable conversation, I approached a window to examine the weather. A sorrowful sight I saw: dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow.
sociable:好交际的; 友好的; 合群的 adj.
fond of the company of other people; friendly
sorrowful:悲伤的,令人痛苦的 adj.
affected with, marked by, causing, or expressing sorrow
prematurely:过早地,贸然地 adv.
happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time
mingle:与某物混合; 结合 v.
form a mixture with sth; combine
whirl:旋转; 回旋 n.
1. circular movement around a point or about an axis
2. rapid succession of activities 一个紧接一个的活动
3. give sth a whirl: try sth as an experiment, to see if it is suitable, pleasant, etc 试试某事物(看是否恰当﹑ 合意等)
suffocating:令人窒息的,憋气的 adj.
causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat
'Mrs Heathcliff,' I said earnestly, 'you must excuse me for troubling you. I presume, because, with that face, I'm sure you cannot help being good-hearted. Do point out some landmarks by which I may know my way home: I have no more idea how to get there than you would have how to get to London!'
'Take the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her. `It is brief advice, but as sound as I can give.'
earnestly :认真地,诚挚地,热切地 adv.
in a serious manner
presume:假定(某事物)是事实;认定(某事物);假设;推测 v.
1. suppose (sth) to be true; take (sth) for granted
2. venture to do sth; be so bold as to do sth 冒昧地做某事; 胆敢做某事
landmark:[航]陆标;界标;里程碑;纪念碑 n.
brief :时间短暂的; 简短的 adj.
lasting only a short time; short
sound :合理的; 明智的; 正确的; 稳妥的 adj.
1. based on reason, sense or judgement; dependable
2. in good condition; not hurt, diseased, injured or damaged 完好的; 健康的; 健全的; 无损伤的