读书笔记:艾米莉•勃朗特 - 《呼啸山庄》05
Chapter Two. Part 1
Her position before was sheltered from the light; now, I had a distinct view of her whole figure and countenance. She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding; small features, very fair; flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck; and eyes, had they been agreeable in expression, they would have been irresistible - fortunately for my susceptible heart, the only sentiment they evinced hovered between scorn, and a kind of desperation, singularly unnatural to be detected there. The canisters were almost out of her reach; I made a motion to aid her; she turned upon me as a miser might turn if anyone attempted to assist him in counting his gold.
exquisite:精致的,精美的 adj.
extremely beautiful or delicate; finely or skilfully made or done
feature:五官,容貌 n.
1. one of the named parts of the face (eg nose, mouth, eyes) which together form its appearance
2. distinctive characteristic; aspect
flaxen ringlets:下垂的亚麻色长螺旋形卷发 n.
apron:围裙 n.
1.garment worn over the front part of the body to keep the wearer's clothes clean while working
apron strings:(tied to) one's mother's, wife's, etc
-surfaced area on an airfield, where aircraft are manoeuvred, loaded or unloaded 停机坪(飞机场上为调动飞机﹑ 装卸货物﹑ 乘客上下等用的坚实平地)
susceptible:易受感情影响的; 易受影响的 adj.
easily influenced by feelings; impressionable
hover:留在某事物近旁; 维持某种不确定状态 v.
remain near sth or in an uncertain state
Meanwhile, the young man had slung on to his person a decidedly shabby upper garment, and, erecting himself before the blaze, looked down on me from the corner of his eyes, for all the world as if there were some mortal feud unavenged between us. I began to doubt whether he were a servant or not: his dress and speech were both rude, entirely devoid of the superiority observable in Mr. and Mrs. Heathcliff; his thick brown curls were rough and uncultivated, his whiskers encroached bearishly over his cheeks, and his hands were embrowned like those of a common labourer: still his bearing was free, almost haughty, and he showed none of a domestic's assiduity in attending on the lady of the house. In the absence of clear proofs of his condition, I deemed it best to abstain from noticing his curious conduct; and, five minutes afterwards, the entrance of Heathcliff relieved me, in some measure, from my uncomfortable state.
devoid of :没有……的,缺乏……的
superiority:优越(性),优等;傲慢 n.
the quality of being better, more skilful, more powerful etc than other people or things
encroach:用侵占、侵犯 v.
go beyond what is right or natural or desirable; intrude
bearishly:粗鲁地,笨拙地 adv.
embrown:使成棕褐色样 v.
haughty:(指人或态度)高傲自大的, 倨傲不逊的 adj.
(of a person or his manner) arrogant while despising others; proud and disdainful
assiduity:专心致志; 勤勉痕迹 n.
constant and careful attention to a task
attend on:服侍,陪伴 v.