China's decision to reject Coca-Cola's acquisition of juice-maker China Huiyuan Juice Group is rippling southward toward Australia.
Already a leading opposition politician, Barnaby Joyce, is pointing to the Coke-Huiyuan decision as an example of how to treat Chinese companies looking to shop in Australia's resources sector.
已经成为澳大利亚反对党领袖人物的乔伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)认为,中国政府对这桩交易做出的决定应当作为如何对待希望收购澳矿产资源企业股份的中国公司的参照。
The biggest of those forays is Aluminum Corp. of China's US$19.5 billion bid for a stake in Rio Tinto PLC and some of its mining assets. For sure, the dynamics of that deal are very different from the Coke-Huiyuan case.
这类交易中规模最大的一笔就是中国铝业股份有限公司(Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd., 简称:中国铝业)提出以195亿美元收购力拓股份有限公司(Rio Tinto Plc)股份及其部分矿业资产的交易。当然,这桩交易的形势与可口可乐-汇源交易有很大的不同。
For one, the U.S. and China have a particularly troubled history when it comes to cross-border M&A. Cnooc's ill-fated bid for Unocal and, more recently, the Huawei-led move on 3Com, did little to spread goodwill toward the U.S. in China. Both were tangled up in government reviews so daunting that the bids were withdrawn.
一方面,美国和中国历来在跨境并购方面都有很多问题。中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC,简称:中海油)收购加州联合石油公司(UNOCAL Corporation)的交易遭遇厄运,不久前由华为主导的收购3Com的行动也未能成功,这些都让中国对美国没什么好感。上述两桩收购案都深陷政府审查的泥潭,最后收购方都放弃了交易。
Some suspect the Coke decision is in part a tit-for-tat response to those decisions.
And Canberra will have important considerations weighing in favor of approval for Chinalco's offer, including Rio Tinto's urgent need for the cash China can provide, and its importance to Australian jobs.
But China has already made a sensitive situation stickier by proposing other resource deals before Chinalco had a chance to squeeze its offer past the regulators.
As the public debate over Beijing's intentions grows heated, Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board is looking to delay, if not yet outright reject, China's push. It had already extended the Rio-Chinalco decision deadline, and on Thursday did the same to Hunan Valin Iron & Steel Ltd.'s $800 million investment in Fortescue Metals Group. It also asked Anshan Iron & Steel Group to resubmit its $162 million bid to buy a stake in Gindalbie Metals Ltd.
随着公众对于中国政府意图何在的争论愈演愈烈,澳大利亚外国投资审核委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)就算还没有直接否决,也很可能对中国的并购要求采取拖延手段。委员会已经延长了力拓-中国铝业交易的审查时限,周二又对湖南华菱钢铁集团有限责任公司(Hunan Valin Iron & Steel Group Co.)向Fortescue Metals Group投资8亿美元的交易重施故伎。该委员会还要求鞍山钢铁集团公司(Anshan Iron & Steel Group Co.)重新提交以1.62亿美元收购Gindalbie Metals Ltd.部分股份的交易请求。
With nine other bids from Chinese firms for Australian resource companies now pending, this is a bad time for China to add fuel to the protectionist fire.