"See how the job could fit into your overall career narrative," career coach Deborah Brown-Volkman said. "And ask yourself how long you will be in the job. Some people say 'I'm only going to do this a year,' and then 10 years pass and they're still there. Have a plan for what's next."
职业教练Deborah Brown-Volkman说:“看看这份工作如何和你的总体职业目标吻合,并询问你自己在这份工作上会呆多久。有些人说‘我只会做今年一年’。然后十年过去了,他们还在原来的职位上。为将来的打算制定一份计划。”

Step Down? Not Always

A Plan-B job might not be a step down at all and could be more rewarding than the Plan-A job. Moving from copywriter to project manager could mean more money. A human resources professional moving from a large corporation to a start-up would see a pay cut, but could have more growth opportunities and flexibility (and possible stock options).

A Wall Street analyst moving to investment counseling would see a more manageable 40-hour workweek and the satisfaction of directly helping people in need (and have a job title with less social stigma).

For many Plan-B jobs, you don't have to earn an additional degree, or even obtain a certificate, but they do require a re-positioning of your existing skills, according to Slabanski.

"The most important thing in a good economy or bad is to keep expanding your skills and knowledge," she says. "You don't need to be a jack of all trades, but if you stay current on what's going on in your industry and update your skills to what's needed today, you won't work yourself out of a job."