
吉尔·佩雷斯是一名西班牙士兵,在1593年10月26日那天,他突然现身在墨西哥城。他当时正身穿一身卫兵制服,这个制服只有在菲律宾的德尔·戈博南多宫殿的士兵才穿。他说他并不知道他为什么会出现在墨西哥。他描述说,在他发现他来到了墨西哥的之前,他正在马尼拉的总督宫殿值岗哨。他还说,总督(Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas阁下)刚刚被杀害。


2 Gil Pérez

Gil Perez was a Spanish solder who suddenly appeared in Mexico City on October 26, 1593. He was wearing the uniform of the guards of the Del Gobernador Palace in the Philippines. He claimed to have no idea how he had managed to appear in Mexico. He stated that moments before finding himself there, he had been on sentry duty in Manila at the governor’s Palace. He told them that the governor (Don Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas) had just been assassinated.

Two months later, news arrived from the Philippines by ship. They carried news that confirmed that the governor had been killed and they verified other aspects of Perez’s story. Witnesses confirmed that Perez had indeed been on duty in Manila just before arriving in Mexico. In addition, one of the passengers on the ship recognized Perez and swore that he had seen him in the Philippines on October 23. Perez eventually returned to the Philippines and resumed his life - which was uneventful until his death.