跟中国好声音4学英文:New Soul
2015-09-14 10:16
赵大格《New Soul》
第二轮中,张姝对阵赵大格,张姝深情演唱《安眠药》,作为乐队主唱,HOLD全场不在话下,风格可摇滚,可抒情。而赵大格则演唱是一首英文歌《New Soul》将全场的氛围瞬间点燃,拥有一种强大的感染力,获得三位导师的一直力荐,那英,汪峰,林俊杰都支持赵大格。最后,哈林启用双选的权利,使得两人双双晋级。
【关于Yael Naïm】
Yael Naïm (born 6 February 1978 in Paris, France), is an Israeli-French singer-songwriter.
She began her singing career with a part in the musical Les Dix Commandements and her first solo album, In a Man's Womb, was released in 2001.
2001年,耶尔·内姆出演了法语音乐剧《十诫》,从此开始了她的演唱生涯。2001年发行了第一张专辑《In a Man’s Womb》。
She rose to fame in 2008 in the US after her hit single "New Soul" was used by Apple in an advertising campaign for its MacBook Air. The song peaked at No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 100.
2008年,苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯选择纳伊姆的歌曲《纯洁心灵》(New Soul)作为新产品Mac Book Air的广告曲,内姆因此一举成名。这首歌最终在公告牌100首流行音乐榜上排名第七。
"New Soul" is a song by the French-Israeli indie folk singer Yael Naïm, from her self-titled album.
The song gained popularity in the United States following its use by Apple in an advertisement for their MacBook Air laptop.
苹果公司选择这首歌作为新产品Mac Book Air的广告曲之后,这首歌开始在美国流行。
In the song Naïm sings of being a new soul who has come into the world to learn "a bit 'about how to give and take." However she finds that things are harder than they seem.
It remains Naïm's biggest hit single in the U.S. to date, and her only one to reach the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100.