跟好声音4学英文:Just The Way You Are
2015-09-07 11:53
《中国好声音》第四季本周迎来周杰伦组导师考核赛,这支“地表最强战队”将进行残酷的厮杀,两支《双截棍》被安排在同组较量,而《好声音》史上的第一次双钢琴对决也将亮相。这么强实力的学员一一对阵,周杰伦现场变身“纠结伦”。从现场来看,刘伟男和徐林演绎的《Just The Way You Are》获得极高评价,大有走红趋势。
刘伟男&徐林《Just The Way You Are》
凭借一首《Lemon Tree》获得“中国比伯”之称的刘伟男与职业歌手徐林争夺周杰伦站队六强,合唱《Just the way you are》+《稻香》,呈现一场中西合璧的视听盛宴。让汪峰大为惊叹,最终,徐林不敌刘伟男遭淘汰。两人的唱法各有千秋,就实力而言,徐林当之无愧的好声音,对歌曲的把握,情感的拿捏都十分的到位。而刘伟男的唱法更加随性自由,活力四射。
【关于Bruno Mars】
Bruno Mars (born October 8, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer.
He became recognized as a solo artist after lending his vocals to the songs "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy, which were worldwide successes.
布鲁诺·马尔斯先后与B.o.B合作《Nothin' on You》,与Travie McCoy合作《Billionaire》,两首都获得巨大成功。从此,布鲁诺·马尔斯开始以独唱艺人的身份被人熟知。
His debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010), was anchored by the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart-topping singles "Just the Way You Are" and "Grenade".
布鲁诺·马尔斯2010年发布首张专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》。其中两首单曲《Just the Way You Are》,《Grenade》都成功登顶美国公告牌百强单曲榜。
Mars is now regarded as one of the most successful solo artists in the world. In total, he has had six number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100.
"Just the Way You Are" is the debut single recorded by American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars. It is the lead single from his debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010).
《Just The Way You Are》是美国男歌手兼创作家布鲁诺·马尔斯的首支单曲。收录在其2010年发布的首张专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》中。
Bruno said of the song, "It took me months to come up with 'Just the Way You Are'... I wasn't thinking of anything deep or poetic. I was telling a story. Get ready to fall in love!"
He added, "I'm a big fan of songs that go straight to the point. they just come directly from the heart.”
“And to me 'Just The Way You Are' is one of those songs. I'm just telling a woman she looks beautiful the way she IS - and, let's be honest, what woman doesn't wanna hear those lyrics?!"
“对我来说《Just The Way You Are》就是这种曲子。我就是真诚地赞美一个女孩她很美,你说那个女孩会不爱听这种歌?”