
Buckman Elementary School
Principal Brian Anderson
Portland Mercury
Carol Dawson
Muskegon Chronicle
Holton Elementary School
Edgewood Elementary School
Amy Upham

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Public schools across the country are cancelling Halloween celebrations over issues ranging from candy corn to concerns that Americans are forcing their holiday traditions on new immigrants and many parents are angered by what they are calling political correctness. The principal at Buckman Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, recently banned costumes at his school, calling instead for boys and girls to embrace a "spirit of equity." "For many reasons, the celebration of Halloween at school can lead to student exclusion,” Principal Brian Anderson wrote in a letter to parents. "There are social, financial and cultural differences among our families that we must respect." Anderson told the newspaper that any child who shows up to school with a costume will be required to change clothes. He defended his ban saying that Halloween at school excludes children. "We're pushing our traditions on an ever-changing population," he told the Portland Mercury. “Halloween is, in many ways, personal to some people and to other people it’s very offensive.” Halloween celebrations have also been banned in some schools across Michigan. "Change is hard," Carol Dawson told the Muskegon Chronicle. She's the principal at Holton Elementary School - where candy corn and candied apples have been replaced with a fall festival focused on health and wellness. Edgewood Elementary School in Fruitport, Michigan, decided to steer clear of both Halloween parties and costumes parades. The principal told the Chronicle she wanted to keep children safe and avoid hurt feelings. "Emotionally, it is a difficult time for kids who don't have costumes," Amy Upham told the newspaper. So instead of cookies and candy, the kids at Edgewood Elementary will get “fall-centered fun and educational activities.” In Springfield, NJ, elementary school principals banned costumes claiming it caused classroom disruptions.
全美多所公立学校将取消万圣节的庆祝活动,理由包括不要让孩子们吃太多玉米糖,以及担心美国人把假期传统强加给新移民。他们所谓的“政治正确性”激怒了很多家长。 俄勒冈州波特兰巴克曼小学的校长最近颁布禁令,不允许在学校穿万圣节服饰,转而呼吁学生们心怀“平等精神”。 校长布莱恩•安德森在写给家长的信中说:“出于多种原因,学校的万圣节庆祝会导致某些学生被孤立。我们的家庭社会、经济、文化背景各异,这些都必须得到尊重。” 安德森告诉报纸记者,任何穿着万圣节服装来学校的学生都将被要求换衣服。他为自己的禁令辩护称,学校搞万圣节庆祝会把某些学生排斥在外。 他告诉《波特兰水星报》:“我们将自己的传统强加于不断变化的人群。在很多方面,万圣节对一些人来说是展露个性的节日,但对另一些人来说却让人厌恶。” 密歇根的一些学校也颁布了万圣节庆祝禁令。 霍尔特小学校长卡罗尔•道森告诉《马斯基根纪事报》:“这种改变很艰难。”在这所小学,用来庆祝万圣节的玉米糖和蜜饯苹果已经被以健康生活为核心的秋季节庆所取代。 密歇根弗卢特波特的埃奇伍德小学决定今年不举行万圣节派对和万圣节服饰游行。校长告诉《马斯基根纪事报》,她想确保孩子们的安全,并且避免感情伤害。 艾米•阿帕姆告诉该报:“那些没有万圣节服饰的孩子心里会很难过。” 因此,埃奇伍德小学的孩子们今年虽然吃不到万圣节饼干和糖果,但将“在秋季节庆中收获快乐,参加教育活动。” 在新泽西的斯普林菲尔德,多所小学的校长禁穿万圣节服饰,表示这会扰乱课堂秩序。