

break up


And the neighbors that come to visit and won't go away? Well, I think, there might be some, but the neighbor can just be really lonely and want a friend, you know, oftentimes, I think the rule is a five-to-ten minute visit is fine. Because, that way you are not breaking up a person's schedule or their personal plans. but you don't have to be best friends with your neighbors at all and you can just be civil, polite, and say hello in the morning as you come and go, and that makes everybody's relationship so much better. That's so important, Betty Wang, thanks so much for the tips, we appreciate that for Family Circle Magazine.
那些来登门拜访迟迟不走的邻居,要怎么办? 我觉得吧,可能会有些这样的邻居。但是,他们经常只是寂寞了,想要找个朋友而已。只是5到10分钟的拜访还是可以接受的。因为那不会打乱一个人的日程安排或者计划。但是你不也需要成为邻居的死党,你只需要在每个清晨经过的时候礼貌地问好,就足以让邻里关系和睦了。 Betty Wang,您给的建议真是太重要了,非常感谢。也谢谢《家庭天地》杂志的支持。