

Can I help you?

I'm looking for an MP-3 player. Which brand is of the highest quality?

I recommend Pioneer.

Which model is the best-seller?

This model is very popular with ladies.

May I have a look at it?

Sure, it's multi-functional. Besides playing music, it can also be used to store documents and make recordings.

Do you have this model in white?

No, but we have it in yellow.

Then I'll take the yellow one.

Please wait a second. I'll get it for you.




Honey, could you help me operate the VCD player? It can't play.

Oh, are the connections correct?

I think so.

Let me see. Look! You confused the video frequency with the audio frequency.

I'm too careless.

Can it work now?


So what's the problem? Maybe there is something wrong with the disk.

It's a new disk.

Give it to me.

Here you are.

Uh, the movie of Tom Hanks. I know why it can't play. This is a DVD disk.