Section B

Passage One




undisturbed a. ①无扰动的 ②安静的;
guarantee vt. ①保证 ②担保 n. ①保证 ②保证书;
vt. ①移开 ②脱下 ③把......免职;
a. 多层的


bury n. 埋葬

city council n. 市议会

cremation n. 火化,火葬

decay v. 腐烂,衰退

dig up vt. 挖出(采掘,发现)

grave n. 坟墓

skeleton n. 骨骸,骨架

space n. 空间


1.If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.

【解析】此句是个并列句,用but not for long连接。并列的成分是if引导的partially decayed条件句和when引导的fully decayed时间状语从句。

2.The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found.



26.A) Rent a grave.

A) 租墓穴。

B) Burn the body.

B) 火化。

C) Bury the dead near a church.

C) 将死者埋葬在教堂附近。

D) Buy a piece of land for a grave.

D) 买块墓地。


【正确项析】听力原文中"buying a piece of land"可以避免尸体被挪来挪去,与选项D内容相符。


27. A) To solve the problem of lack of land.

A) 解决土地稀缺问题。

B) To see whether they have decayed.

B) 查看尸体是否腐烂。

C) To follow the Greek religious practice.

C) 遵守希腊宗教习俗。

D) To move them to a multi-storey graveyard.

D) 将其移到多层墓地。

【解题核心】选项均为不定式表明本题很可能是考查做某事的目的或原因。根据短文主题及选项中decayed, move等词可推测,B选项中的they和 C中them代指bodies。根据 B、D选项内容可推测本题很可能是与移动尸体的目的或原因有关。一般这类询问目的或原因的题目往往是在问题上做句型的转换,也就是对原文的同义转述,答案则经常是原文的细节辨认,因此听音时应重点留意以下要点:lack of land,if decayed,religion,multi-storey graveyard。

【正确项析】文中明确说明此举的原因是lack of space,与选项A同意。

【干扰项析】选项B不是根本目的。选项C原文中并未提到。文章最后虽提到建造多层墓地,但multi-story graveyard还未建成,更不能如选项D中所说的将尸体移到那里。

28. A) They should be buried lying down.

A) 横放安葬。

B) They should be buried standing up.

B) 竖直安葬。

C) They should be buried after being washed.

C) 清洗后安葬。

D) They should be buried when partially decayed.

D) 部分腐烂时埋葬。



【干扰项析】文中用instead of lying down否定了选项A中的横放安葬。选项C、D均不是教会的建议。

29. A) Burning dead bodies to ashes.

A) 将尸体烧成灰烬。

B) Storing dead bodies in a remote place.

B) 将尸体埋葬在偏远地区。

C) Placing dead bodies in a bone room.

C) 将尸体放置在尸骸存放屋。

D) Digging up dead bodies after three years.

D) 三年后将尸体挖出。

【解题核心】选项均为动名词表明本题为考查"行为活动"类型。四个选项均表示处理尸体的方式,故本题很可能是关于除埋藏以外的其他处理尸体的方式。听音时应留意以下要点:burn;store in remote place;place in bone room。本题只要抓住burn一词便不难选出答案。

【正确项析】burning dead bodies在Greek church前后出现了两次,问题中的object to与原文中的resist是同义词,所以应该选A选项。



In Greece, only rich people will rest in peace for ever when they die. Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years, and then they will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box, and placed in a bone room. If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long. The body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed. Buying a piece of land for a grave is the only way to avoid this process. The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent the grave for three years and even after it has been dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. If no one pays for renting space in the bone room, the skeleton is removed and stored in a building in a poor part of the town. Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after the three years. The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. Athens' city council wants to introduce cremation, that is burning dead bodies, as a means of dealing with the problems. But the Greek church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death. To save space, the church suggested burying the bodies standing up instead of lying down. Some people proposed building multi-storey underground grave yards.

26. What must Greeks do to keep the dead resting in ever-lasting peace?

27. Why are most dead bodies in Athens dug up after three years?

28. What suggestions does the church give about the burying of dead bodies?

29. What practice does the Greek church object to?


26. 为让死者永久安息,希腊人必须做什么?

27. 在雅典,为什么尸体埋葬三年后会被挖出?

28. 教会建议如何埋葬尸体?

29. 希腊教会反对什么样的做法?

Passage Two




apart from 除......外;
a. ①典型的 ②有代表性的


family restaurant 家庭餐厅

foreign a. 外国的

international a. 国际的

native a. 本国的,本土的

restaurant n. 餐厅,饭店

sample n. 样品,标本


1.Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity to better understand the people and their way of life.

【解析】此句关键是as well as并列结构连接the foods和the opportunity,共同做动词enjoy的宾语。即美国人既享受食物,又抓住机会。不定式to better understand the people and their way of life是the opportunity的后置定语。

2.Or it may be a large restaurant owned by several different people who worked together in the business.

【解析】本句主句为it may be a large restaurant。or是连词,表示"或者"。owned by several different people作后置定语修饰restaurant。restaurant与own是被动关系,所以用owned。who worked together in the business是典型的定语从句,先行词为several different people。


30. A) Many foreign tourists visit the United States every year.

A) 每年都有许多国外游客访问美国。

B) Americans enjoy eating out with their friends.

B) 美国人喜欢和朋友外出就餐。

C) The United States is a country of immigrants.

C) 美国是个移民国家。

D) Americans prefer foreign foods to their own food.

D) 比起本国食物,美国人更喜欢吃外国食物。



【干扰项析】选项A、B、D在原文中并没有提到。最大干扰项是选项D,虽然文中提到enjoy eating the food of other nations,但仅仅是喜欢异国风味食物,并没有与本国食物比较。

31. A) They can make friends with people from other countries.

A) 他们可以与其他国家的人交朋友。

B) They can get to know people of other cultures and their lifestyles.

B) 他们可以认识来自不同文化的人并且了解他们的生活方式。

C) They can practice speaking foreign languages there.

C) 他们可以在那里练习讲外语。

D) They can meet with businessmen from all over the world.

D) 他们可以遇到来自世界各国的商人。

【解题核心】选项中都含有can表明本题很可能与做某事能够达到的目的有关。由选项中的other countries,other cultures,foreign等可推测本题很可能涉及到与其他国家人民的接触。根据对主题的分析可知本文主要与饮食有关,而选项C、D分别是从语言和商业角度来说,与主题不太相关,二者均不大可能为答案。故本题主要应在选项A和B之间选择。

【正确项析】文中明确提到"Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity to better understand the people and their way of life"。选项B与as well as并列结构之后的原因相符。

32. A) The couple cook the dishes and the children help them.

A) 夫妻烹饪,孩子们帮忙。

B) The husband does the cooking and the wife serves as the waitress.

B) 丈夫烹饪,妻子作为侍者照顾客人。

C) The mother does the cooking while the father and children serve the guests.

C) 母亲烹饪,父亲与孩子照顾客人。

D) A hired cook prepares the dishes and the family members serve the guests.

D) 雇佣厨师烹饪,所有家庭成员照顾客人。

【解题核心】选项中waitress, serve, guests以及husband, mother, children等表明本题很可能与家庭经营的餐馆中各个家庭成员如何分工有关。四个选项中负责cooking的人均不同,故听音时只要辨别出由谁来cooking即可确定答案。

【正确项析】"The mother of the family cooks all of the dishes, and the father and children serve the people who come to eat there."轻松可以判断出,选项C与之相符。


If you visit a big city anywhere in the world, you will probably find a restaurant would serve the food of your own native country. Most large cities in the United States offer international sample of foods. Many people enjoy eating the food of other nations. This is probably one reason why there are so many different kinds of restaurants in the United States. A second reason is that many Americans come from other parts of the world. They enjoy tasting the foods of their native lands. In the city of Detroit, for example, there are many people from Western Europe, Greece, Latin America, and the Far East. There are many restaurants in Detroit which serve the foods of these areas. There are many other international restaurants too. Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity to better understand the people and their way of life. One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is the Italian restaurant. The restaurant may be a small business run by a single family. The mother of the family cooks all of the dishes, and the father and children serve the people who come to eat there. Or it may be a large restaurant owned by several different people who worked together in the business. Many Italian dishes that Americans enjoy are made with meats, tomatoes and cheese. They are very delicious and tasty.

30. Why are there so many international restaurants in the United States?

31. Why do Americans like to go to international restaurants apart from enjoying the foods there?

32. How is a typical Italian family restaurant run in the United States?


31. 为什么在美国有这么多的国际饭店?

32. 除享受食物,还有什么原因促使美国人热衷于国际饭店?

33. 一个典型的意大利家庭餐馆在美国是怎样经营的?

Passage Three




be in for 肯定要遭受;
come up with 想出,提出;
entertain v. ①娱乐 ②招待


assist v. 助攻

center n. 中锋

court n. 球场

final n. 总决赛

forwards n. 前锋

guards n. 后卫

scoring n. 得分

slam/dunk v. (强力)灌篮

home court 主场

post season 季后赛

regular season 季赛

road game 客场比赛

set shot 立定投篮


1. The problem with the new game, which was soon called "basketball", was getting the ball out of the basket.

【解析】本句which was soon called "basketball"做非限制性定语从句,修饰the new game。主句用过去进行时,表示过去一段时间发生的事情,现在问题已经解决了。

2. It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through.

【解析】本句重点理解it is + time + before句式。例如:It won't be long before a new factory is built in our hometown. 此句如果按照字词原意应译为:在一座新工厂在我们家乡建造之前时间不会太长。此种翻译虽然遵照原意,但汉语却很难理解,所以,此句常被译为:不久,我们家乡就会建立一座新工厂。before 常被译为它的反义词after之意。在本句中也是如此,应理解为"几年后,有人提出将篮底去掉,这样球就直接掉落下来了。"


33.A) He took them to watch a basketball game.

A) 他带他们去看篮球赛。

B) He trained them to play European football.

B) 他训练他们玩欧式足球。

C) He let them compete in getting balls out of a basket.

C) 他让他们比赛从一个篮子里向外取球。

D) He taught them to play an exciting new game.

D) 他教他们玩一个刺激的新游戏。

【解题核心】选项中train,let和taught表明he很可能是代指"教练"。本题很可能是问教练带领或教队员们做什么。抓住本篇文章关键词new game,文中出现过两次,这也是本文介绍的重点。

【正确项析】听力原文中有"new game that would have the excitement of the American football",与选项D相符。

【干扰项析】本文介绍的new game就是篮球的前身,此时篮球还没有出现,所以选项A错误。选项B是不相关词汇的拼凑。getting balls out of a basket是该新型游戏让人感到棘手的问题,选项C为答非所问。

34. A) The players found the basket too high to reach.

A) 球员发现篮子太高,够不着。

B) The players had trouble getting the ball out of the basket.

B) 球员很难把球从篮子里取出来。

C) The players had difficulty understanding the complex rules.

C) 球员不明白复杂的规则。

D) The players soon found the game boring.

D) 球员们很快对游戏失去兴趣。

【解题核心】选项中trouble和difficulty表明本题很可能与比赛中的问题或困难有关。D选项不是比赛过程中具体的问题,与其他三项内容明显不同,故可初步排除。因此听音时应重点关注以下要点:basket too high,ball out of basket,complex rules。

【正确项析】"The problem with the new game, which was soon called "basketball", was getting the ball out of the basket."明确提到了新游戏的棘手难题,与选项B相符。


35.A) By removing the bottom of the basket.

A) 将篮底去掉。

B) By lowering the position of the basket.

B) 降低篮子高度。

C) By simplifying the complex rules.

C) 简化复杂的规则。

D) By altering the size of the basket.

D) 改变篮子的大小。


【正确项析】"It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through."选项A与原文一致。


One winter day in 1891, a class at a training school in Massachusetts, U.S.A, went into the gym for their daily exercises. Since the football season had ended, most of the young men felt they were in for a boring time.

But their teacher, James Nasmith had other ideas. He had been working for a long time on a new game that would have the excitement of the American football. Nasmith showed the men a basket he had hung at each end of the gym, and explained that they were going to sue a round European football. At first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing. "Pass! Pass!" Nasmith kept shouting, blowing his whistle to stop the excited players. Slowly, they began to understand what was wanted of them. The problem with the new game, which was soon called "basketball", was getting the ball out of the basket. They used ordinary food baskets with bottoms and the ball, of course, stayed inside. At first, someone had to climb up every time a basket was scored. It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through. There have been many changes in the rules since then, and basketball has become one of the world's most popular sports.

33. What did Nasmith do to entertain his students one winter day?

34. According the speaker, what was the problem with the new game?

35. How was the problem with the new game solved?



33. 冬季的一天,内史密斯如何让他的学生娱乐的?

34. 新游戏的问题是什么?

35. 新游戏的问题是如何解决的?

