
There was the fake news that became the news for so many viewers. Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" became essential viewing for many, and spawned "The Colbert Report" among others.

Politics provided so many punch lines. Tina Fey became the first female head writer of "Saturday Night Live", but her best-known impersonation actually came once she left the cast. Fey's impression of Sarah Palin had real impact on the 2008 political campaign. Her characterization was so popular, it's almost difficult to remember which quotes were said by the Governor and which were dreamed up by Fey.

十年来多少假新闻声名远扬,Jon Stewart的《每日脱口秀》成为假新闻的真实制造基地,接着是《科尔伯特报告》(Colbert Report);更不用说随之蹿红所向披靡的“洋葱新闻”啦。这边瞧一瞧>>>

十年来政界出炉的双关语络绎不绝。Tina Fey与Sarah Palin这对模拟版与真人版在聚光灯下是如此抢眼。