Over Lunch

Search for organizations on that do the kind of work you're interested in. Use this site, as well as resources like your college career center or alumni network, to connect with individuals currently working in your target fields. Email them and request a half hour informational interview in which you ask specific questions about training requirements, responsibilities, salary, work environment, and opportunities for advancement. As long as you are polite, no one will fault you for wanting the real scoop.

Before You Leave Work

When you're finished with your daily duties, stay after hours and check out an online course designed to help you facilitate a career change. Online video presentations often provide the same value as more expensive, time-consuming, and difficult-to-travel-to seminars. Feel free to check out for an example.

On the Train Home

Many people resist changing careers because they feel like they can't afford it. Start creating a nest egg for your transition now by creating a spreadsheet in your Blackberry or PDA that keeps track of where your money is going on a daily basis. If you do this on the train for a month or even just for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at the data you'll accumulate.

You'll start to see patterns of unnecessary spending (your morning Starbucks run, sushi takeout, etc.) and areas where you can tighten your belt. A great question to ask yourself is: "Do I really need this?" If you honestly don't, then put the money away for your career change.

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