Change Your Career While at Work Today

If you're jonesing for a new career in 2010, you're not alone. A surprising statistic from Robert Half International's 2009 Employment Dynamics and Growth Expectations (EDGE) Report revealed that more than half of employees plan to make a career change or go back to school as soon as the economy recovers.

Given those aspirations, you might want to take steps now -- while you still have a paying job -- to make your future transition easier. Here are a few tips for incorporating the career-change process into your daily routine:

When You Wake Up

When your alarm goes off, grab a journal and a pen and take 10 minutes to consider what you like and what you don't like in a work environment. Thought-starter questions include:

1) What is important to you and what are your values?  对你来说什么重要,你的价值观是什么?

2) What is your definition of success?  你对成功的定义是什么?

3) How do you prefer to work?  你喜欢什么样的工作?

4) What type of job would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up? 什么样的工作会让你愿意挤几个小时的公车只是为了展示自己的特权? 

While Drinking Your Morning Coffee

Instead of surfing Facebook, check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook. Browse through the hundreds of thousands of occupations and make a note of the ones that interest you. Jot down the transferable skills required (i.e. project management, sales, marketing, finance), and as you're going through your day, think about how you may already be using those skills in your current job.

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