
Dear Mr Chandler,

I am writing in response to your letter of 28 June 2001 about the order No. B 13/4620 .

First of all, I would like to apologize for later the late delivery of your order as a fire broke out at the end of April in our factory. As a result, we had to work overtime to reproduce ASAP. However, I deeply regret that your order was were one of a large part of the orders that have been delayed for such a terrible accident.

Therefore, as our established customer, 这里逻辑比较乱as 如果是介词的话,是作为的意思。we will offer you additional 5% discount 5% except one confirmed in our contract as before. And the reversed correct invoice and the repaired items two new desks will would be sent to you on next week at the same time.
I would like to assure you that we will deal with your order as quickly as we can in the future .

Yours sincerely

Band 2




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