
SUSAN: Do you think it’s gonna be hard to replace that screen?
MIKE: Well that depends. Nail it in yourself, you might wanna wear gloves. Or pants. Pants wouldn’t hurt.
SUSAN: Okay. I know what just happened is funny, in theory, but I am nowhere near ready to laugh about it. So please, no jokes.
BREE: Hey, where’ve you been?
MIKE: Um, Susan had a problem finding something to wear. Oh, was that the kinda thing you meant?
SUSAN: Pretty much.
——replace that screen 找东西替换掉那个画面,指忘记
——that depends 那要取决于。可以单独使用,表示我能不能做到是有条件的。
——in theory 理论上说,是一种表示“理应如此”的比较诙谐的说法。类似的还有,从有技术上来说technically,表示看起来虽然如此,实际不是那么回事。

REX: That’s a story Bree concocted to cover the fact that we’re seeing a marriage counselor…Bree and I are in marriage counseling… Everyone knows our secret now. Did the sky fall? Has your life come crashing down?
BREE: If everybody would please take your seats. Dinner is served.
—— concoct捏造
—— crash down朝下猛撞
——dinner is served 很正式的用语,上菜了。

25.When Tom and I were first married, things got a little out of hand on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. we got perp-walked down Main Street USA.
——Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride 迪斯尼乐园的一项黑暗中的乘骑游戏,该主题游戏的故事背景是Mr Toad的冒险旅程。详情请见Mr._Toad's_Wild_Ride
——Main Street USA是迪斯尼公司推出的一个公园的主题项目,在这里有一个通往公园入口的火车站,法国迪斯尼 Disneyland Paris 和香港迪斯尼Hong Kong Disneyland中,在美国大道的尽头是睡美人城堡Sleeping Beauty Castle ;在 the Magic Kingdom 和东京迪斯尼乐园Tokyo Disneyland美国大道尽头的则是灰姑娘城堡Cinderella Castle。
——out of hand不受约束,出格,另外一个经常出现在电影中个俚语意义是 good looking 长相娇好。
——perp-walk 游街示众
——walk down the street通过散步消化(在步行速度和距离上胜过) 这里可能是指,在主题公园上和表演的游行队伍一起行走

SUSAN-who am I to judge?
MIKE-You mean,people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw soda cans?
——M说的那句话的出处是people who live in glass houses should not throw stones,表示如果你住在玻璃房子里,就不要扔石头砸别人,因为那样,别人更容易看清楚你的方向从而来砸你。而这里用“苏打水罐子”替换了“石头”,是影射那天M看到S和前夫因为一个soda can 吵架的事情。

SUSAN: Listen, Mike, I… about the whole seeing me naked thing. I don’t know, I just, I wanna thank you for being such a… perfect gentleman.
MIKE: Oh I wasn’t a perfect gentleman, I might’ve snuck a peek, and, uh, for what it’s worth… wow.
——sneak a peek 偷偷看
——for what it’s worth 副词词性短语,表示不管价值如何。这里指虽然被我在那种场合偷窥对你不算什么好事,偷窥者对你身材的评价对受害人来说可能没有意义,但是不得不说你身材真 WOW。这明显是M在安慰S,让S别介意那么尴尬的事情被自己看见。如果你理解出其中有调情的意味,也未尝不可。

TOM: So how was your dinner party?
LYNETTE: Well, there was dinner, but it wasn’t much of a party.

29.She retaliated with this whole revelation which I won’t even go into now. And the bottom line is, he stormed out. Clearly there’s trouble in paradise.
——this whole revelation which I won’t even go into 让我都不愿意再提及的丑闻揭发
——bottom line结果, 胜负关键

30.I mean, you watch a man got torn down like that, makes you wonder why he’d let her get away with it. Believe me, if a woman ever humiliated me like that in public, it would only happen once.
——torn down 撤下,诋毁/ be torn down 被诋毁
——get away with sth侥幸得逞
——only happen once 指惩治使坏的人,让其不敢再有下次。

31.Don’t worry, I’m not packing heat
——pack heat指carry out violence行凶。

SUSAN: I’ll be quick. Brandy, I’m sorry for the way I treated you. It was uncalled for, and childish, and it won’t happen again. I have built up a lot of anger towards you, both of you, and I realize now that I just can’t carry that around anymore. So, apology or no apology, I’m moving on.
BRANDI: I just wanted you to know, what happened between me and Karl, things got out of hand because I thought your marriage was over. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I’m sorry, I really am.

NARRATOR: And though it came from an unexpected source, Susan finally got the apology she’d always wanted.
——uncalled for 形容词性短语没必要,没理由,不适宜的
——built up a lot of anger towards 对谁发火
——再次出现move on ,冰释前嫌;再次出现out of hand,没控制住。
——旁白的句子很经典 unexpected source

34.Yes, I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.
——这里讲的很玄乎的恐惧,其实就是面对眼前的困难,只能安于现状,不敢冒险采取行动去根本解决的心里。然而逃跑run away就是假装忽视问题,或者用一些简单易行的伎俩表面解决问题的做法。人人都是这样的吧。

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