

前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。






Mr. Duesterberg
They, they're
最后一句 I defended myself.


Anything from the deputy coroner? Just that he can't tell us anything yet. Tell him we need to know. If this guy died of natural causes, we're going home. Why so grumpy? I'm not. Why are we here? We don't even know if it's a murder. One of the chefs called her daddy who's a state senator, who called the AG, who called the assistant AG, who called me. So we're here. I hate politics. This might go quick. Victim had a fistfight with the event organizer. Happy days. I want to be very clear. What happened was sheerest accident. I did nothing wrong. Let's just stick to the facts, Mr. Duesterberg. You said you had a fight with the victim. About what? Truffles. Truffles? Yes. They, they're very pricey fungus. I know what a truffle is. Uh, Jeffrey ordered a bundle and he paid for them himself. A few hours before the competition, he couldn't find them. He demanded replacements, which would have cost thousands. I said no. He started yelling and then shoving. Naturally, I defended myself.
目前为止没有。 让他快点。如果死者是自然死亡,我们就走人。 你怎么这样恶劣? 才没有。 为什么我们在这里,是不是凶杀还有待调查。 参赛厨师中有人给她州医院老爸一个电话,然后议员联系检察总长,总长联系助理总长,助理总长再联系我,好差事就落到我们头上。 我讨厌政治。 这可能很快。 死者曾和比赛组织者大打出手。 今天是个好日子。 我想说清楚,那件事纯粹是意外。 我是清白的。 Duesterberg先生,我们还是实事求是吧。 你和死者有过肢体冲突,事发原因呢? 松露。 什么松露? 是一种昂贵的真菌类植物。 这我知道。 Jeffrey定购了一批,并自己付了款。 在赛前几个小时,松露却找不到了。 他要求补货,但那东西价格不菲。我拒绝了。Jeffrey就开始大喊大叫还动气手来。 很自然,我正当防卫。