




前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。


在博物馆发现了一具冷冻的无名男尸,同时Bosco小组遭到袭击,Marlon Hicks失踪,而Bosco现在生命垂危。Lisbon询问Bosco助手Rebecca案发时的情况。



Marlon Hicks
Um, uh,
Armenian cartel arrests
Yeah, um, uh, there was, um,
about, um, a, um, um,
(Rebecca 有太多um, uh了,她的 I-I结巴的时候只写一个  I )


So you never saw Hicks this morning? No. I haven't seen him since yesterday. And yesterday, was he angry or upset? You think Marlon Hicks could have done this? Oh, no. We have to check every angle, Rebecca. Let's back up. When you went out to get the coffee, did you see anything unusual? Somebody who didn't belong here, maybe? No. Everything was fine. It was normal. God, I'm sorry. I'm not helping. It's okay. Um, uh, I was gone maybe ten minutes and I didn't see anything weird. And then Bosco called the team in early this morning. Do you know why? Well, I thought that maybe it was the Armenian cartel arrests. You were that close to making an arrest? Yeah, um, uh, there was, um, a break this week. Um, an informant came through, the boss said. It was something about, um, a, um, um, a warehouse. Uh, lisbon. Did forensics come up with an I.D. on the frozen man? I haven't checked in with them. It's not really a priority right now, okay? Okay. I guess.
你今早没看到过希克斯吗? 没,昨天就没见过他了。 他昨天有生气或是愤怒的迹象吗? 你怀疑是马龙·希克斯干的吗?不是吧。 我们得追踪每一条线索,丽贝卡。 回到主题上。 你出去拿咖啡的时候,有发现什么可疑迹象吗? 比如有可疑外人出入? 没有。 一切如常,没有可疑的。 天呐,抱歉,我帮不上忙。 没事。 我大概出去了10分钟,没发现可疑迹象。 博斯克今早叫组员集合了。 知道原因吗? 有关亚美尼亚贩毒集团的逮捕行动。 已经进展到抓捕环节了吗? 是的,这星期有了突破。 头说是得到举报消息,有关仓库什么的。 里斯本,法医确定那个被冷冻的男人的身份了吗? 我还没问他们。现在那不是重点明白吗? 明白。 应该吧。