


Yeah, it's this way. I smell patchouli and pretension. Why are you walking so slow? Because I'm carrying our cupcake future, and I don't want half of our future's frosting to be on top of the box. Relax. We still have time. Oh, hello. Welcome to space blast art attack. The gallery won't be open for, like, an hour. Actually, we're here delivering the cupcakes. We're looking for someone named Traivor. And I'm looking for Traivor's mom, to ask her why she named a person Traivor. Traive! You girls can set up inside. He's the one with the super-tall hat. I love galleries. My father and I had an art foundation. We taught blind kids how to do ceramics. Why didn't you just buy them eyes? Let's put them here. This art show is ridiculous-- someone named Traivor, a dreamcatcher with buzzwords stuck in it. And you. Why would he hang that picture of us if he still has a girlfriend? Maybe he went home and broke up with her after he kissed you. The writing is literally on the wall. Oh, no, no, no. I'm not falling for you again. Let's just get our money and go. Grown lady dressed like a doll, we can't find tall hat, and we need to get paid for the cupcakes and leave. Leave? What are you talking about. - You're serving the cupcakes. - Pardon? Well, why do you think we're paying you $500 for cupcakes? Because my friend's a genius.
对 往这儿走 我闻到一股广藿香和自命不凡的味道 你干嘛走得小心翼翼 因为我拿着的是我们的未来 我可不想我们未来的一半糖霜 沾到盒子顶上 别紧张 我们还有时间 你好 欢迎来到狂轰滥炸艺术展 画廊还有大概一个小时才开门迎客 其实我们是来送小蛋糕的 我们想找崔毁 我是来找崔毁他妈 想问问为什么会取这么个名字 小崔 你们俩先进来弄吧 戴着个超级高帽的人就是他 我爱画廊 我父亲和我曾有一个艺术基金会 用来教盲童陶艺 这么有钱直接给他们买眼睛就好啦 把蛋糕放这儿 这个艺术展真可笑 一个叫崔毁的人 捕梦网里塞着各种流行语 还有你 他还没跟女朋友分手 为什么要把我俩的画挂出来 或许在你俩接吻后 他回去就分手了呢 正所谓白纸黑字 有凭有据啊 不 不 我不会再相信你了 咱们把钱收一收快闪吧 这位装萝莉的大姐 我们找不到高帽子男 麻烦结下蛋糕钱 我们好走人 走人 你们在说什么啊 -你们得负责端蛋糕 -什么 不然我们为什么要付你们五百大洋 因为我朋友实在是个天才