海德公园(Hyde Park) 景点介绍


Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.

Sites of interest in the park include Speakers' Corner, close to the former site of the Tyburn gallows, and Rotten Row, which is the northern boundary of the site of the Crystal Palace. South of the Serpentine is the Diana, Princess of Wales memorial, an oval stone ring fountain opened on 6 July 2004. To the east of the Serpentine, just beyond the dam, is London's Holocaust Memorial.

在泰晤士河东部的中心,海德公园西接肯辛顿公园(Kensington Park),东连绿色公园(Green Park),形成寸土寸金的伦敦城里一片奢侈的绿地。海德公园内建有喷泉和雕塑,用以纪念战争中牺牲的无名英雄。



特拉法尔加鸽子广场(Trafalgar Square) 景点介绍


Trafalgar Square is a public space and tourist attraction in central London, United Kingdom, built around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. It is in the borough of the City of Westminster.

At its centre is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. There are a number of statues and sculptures in the square, with one plinth displaying changing pieces of contemporary art. The square is also used for political demonstrations and community gatherings, such as the celebration of New Year's Eve.


特拉法尔加广场的北邻是著名的国家画廊(National Gallery),这是英国最大的画廊,建于1832~1838年间。画廊大楼里的众多美术馆中陈列着2000多幅欧洲名画,大多为14世纪初至19世纪末的作品,这些名画都是英国和其他西欧国家不同流派的名画家创作的,现已成为珍贵的艺术品。



