450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Ted:Are you kidding me?________ Robin:After I spent all this money on a bridesmaid shirt? Barney:Did I bet someone that they'd call it off? I did, didn't I? Who'd I bet? Ted:You actually expect any of us are gonna come to your third wedding? Lily:Yes.'Cause it's gonna be amazing.Look,before I was afraid to face Marshall's family and-and I didn't want to do all that work, but... now that we're here...I realize that I have to face Marshall's family and I really want to do all that work. Marshall:So do I.And yeah... my family might still be upset with you.But when they see us up there, they're gonna see how much we love each other and none of that other stuff is gonna matter. Lily:I love you, Marshall. Marshall:I love you, too, Lily pad. Captain:I now pronounce you man and wife. Lily:What?! Marshall:What?! Captain:What, is that not right? Marshall:Are... we married? Did you just marry us? Weren't you listening? We don't want to be married. Captain:Uh... I-I suppose I could unpronounce you. BOTH: Lily:Unpronounce us. Marshall:Unpronounce us! <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写? 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
You guys are calling off another wedding?
Ted:你们开什么玩笑?你们第二次取消婚礼? Robin:在我花了所有钱买了件伴娘的衣服之后? Barney:我是不是跟谁赌他们会取消婚礼?是吧? 我是跟谁赌的 Ted:你们还指望我们中有哪个人会去参加你们第三次婚礼? Lily:当然了,那一些会很棒,以前我害怕面对马修的家人,而且我讨厌那些程序...,现在我们到了这里,我发现我必须要面对他的家人,我发现我必须面对那些结婚的程序 Marshall:我也是。虽然...我的家人可能仍然生你的气,但他们看到我们在一起,他们将会知道到我们彼此有多相爱,没有什么事情会影响我们 Lily:我爱你 马修 Marshall:我也爱你 小百合 Captain:我现在宣布你们成为丈夫和妻子 Lily: 什么?! Marshall:什么?! Captain:怎么,我说错了吗? Marshall:我们结婚了?你刚才宣布我们成婚了?我们刚才讲那么多你都没听啊?我们不想结婚了 Captain:我以为。。。我可以宣布婚姻无效 Lily:快点宣布无效 Marshall:快点宣布无效