450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Judge:What's going on? Barney:They broke up over the summer. Lily totally ran off to San Francisco and these two just had sex in the closet. What? We're under oath. Ted:No, we're not. Barney:Yeah, we are. He's a judge. Ted:Wh-- did we take an oath? Do you even know what an oath is? Barney:Uh, yeah. Courthouse. Oath. We're under it. Marshall:Guys. It's looking like this isn't gonna happen. Lily:No, Marshall,we are gonna get married today. Marshall:Baby, anyplace we go,we're gonna need a marriage license. Lily:________ So-so let's find a ship captain. A ship captain can marry us. There's boats all over this place. Ted:Oh, is that what those wooden things are floating between the garbage? Lily:This is a great idea.This is gonna work. Let's go.Excuse me.Are you a ship captain? Woman:This is my machine. Marshall:I should go talk to her. <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写? 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
Except international waters.
Judge:怎么啦? Barney:他们在夏天的时候曾经分手过。莉莉跑到了旧金山, 而这两个人刚刚在柜子里做爱 看什么看? 在这我们要宣誓诚实 Ted:我们没有 Barney:我们有必要诚实,他是个法官 Ted:我们为什么要宣誓?你知道什么是宣誓 Barney:知道。。。法院、宣誓 我们就在这下面 Marshall:哥们 看来今天是不行了 Lily:不 马修 今天一定要结婚 Marshall:宝贝 无论去哪我们都要拿到结婚证 Lily:除了国际公共水域。所以,我们去找个船长,船长能让我们结婚 这地方船很多 Ted:那些垃圾堆里,不是浮着些木船吗 Lily:好主意 这能行 我们走吧 打扰了,你是船长吗 Woman:这是我的游戏机 Marshall:我去跟她谈谈