450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Ted:Blackjack? Lily:Well, I found a guy who said he'd be willing to put his boat in my slip,so we're getting closer. Robin:Okay, Lil, why is it so important to do this today? Lily:Because... if we don't do it today,I just know we're gonna wind up having a huge wedding with a huge crowd full of huge Midwestern people looking all disapproving and judging me while sipping little cups of mayonnaise and-and cracking runaway bride jokes all night long. Robin:Nobody's gonna do that. Lily:No, they're not.________I'm gonna find a ship captain and we're gonna be married tonight. Robin:Sweetie, this is crazy. You're never gonna find a ship capt... Marshall:Hey, Lily. Found a ship captain. Lily:What? Ted:Yeah.First guy we talked to.Ship captain. Lily:How great is that? See? See, this is destiny. So, captain, can you take us out to international waters and marry us? Captain:I sure can. If there's two things I love, it's bringing people together in marriage and making $5,000. Marshall:What? <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写? 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
Because I'm not gonna give them the chance.
Ted:我们去赌一把? Lily:我找到了一个人 他说可以用他的船带我们出去 所以我们又接近了点 Robin:好吧 莉莉。今天结婚就那么重要吗 Lily:因为 如果我们今天不结婚的话。以后就要举办一个盛大的婚礼,然后就会有一大群中西部来的人,一边喝着蛋黄酱,一边不屑的谈论我,还有整晚都会,开我以前逃跑的玩笑 Robin:没人会这样  Lily:是的 他们不会。因为我不会给他们这样的机会 我要去找个船长 然后今晚就结婚 Robin:宝贝 这太疯狂了,你不可能找到船长的 Marshall:莉莉、我们找到一个船长了 Lily:什么 Ted:真的,第一个跟我们说话的人就是个船长 Lily:要多巧有多巧 看到了吗?这就是命运 船长、你能带我们到国际公共水域并给我们证婚吗? Captain:当然可以 如果要说两件我最喜欢做的事,就是给人们证婚 和挣5000美元 Marshall:什么