450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
blunder It was his great blunder to have ordered the soldiers to attack the enemy in the daytime. brink He fell over the brink of the cliff, but was only slightly hurt. cab It is very hard to catch a cab in the rush hour. cast The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. component A chemist can separate a medicine into its components. convention It is a matter of convention that men should open doors for ladies. Businessmen attend conventions to learn of new developments and products. expel A pupil who cheats or steals may be expelled from school. notable China has made notable development since 1978. spectacle The sunrise as seen from the top of the mountain was a great spectacle. The old man bought a new pair of spectacles. tackle He bought some fishing tackle in the store. The robber tried to run away, but a brave man ran and tackled him. throng At the railroad station I saw throngs of passengers waiting for their trains. waver As I opened the window, the flame wavered and then went out.
blunder n.错误 他命令士兵在白天去攻击敌人,是个很大的错误。 brink n.边缘 他从悬崖边缘跌落,但只受了轻伤。 cab n.计程车 想在高峰时间搭上出租车是很困难的。 cast v.掷;抛 渔夫把渔网抛入海里。 component n.成分 化学家能把一种药物分解成它的各种成分。 convention n. 1.习俗 2.会议 男士为女士开门是一种习俗。 商人参加会议以获悉新发展和新产品。 expel v.驱逐 作弊或者偷窃的学生,可能会被学校开除。 notable adj.显著的 自1978年以来,中国取得了很大的发展。 spectacle n. 1.景象 同:sight 2.(复数)眼镜 在山顶上看日出,是个壮丽的景观。 这位老人买了一副新眼镜。 tackle n. 1.用具 v. 2.捕捉 他在商店里买了些渔具。 强盗企图逃走,但一个勇敢的人追上去并逮住了他。 throng n.群众 我在火车站看见群集的乘客在等车。 waver v.摆动 当我打开窗户时,火焰摇曳,接着就熄灯了。