450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
assail The enemy may assail our defense positions tomorrow. barrier Countries can no longer depend on mountain barriers for protection. burglar A burglar broke into my house last night. devour The fire devoured twenty square miles of forest. dreary It was a dreary day, cold and without sunshine. fling Boys like to fling stones into water. homage He bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldier. inescapable Death is inescapable; it comes to everyone. radical There are radical differences between the two systems. His ideas are too radical to be acceptable to most people. shiver The boys and girls were shivering all over with cold. sly The sly cat stole the meat while the cook’s back was turned. stall Each horse was put in a separate stall. vanquish At first she shivered from her fear but at last she could vanquish it.
assail v.攻击 敌人可能明天就进攻我们防守据点。 barrier n.界线 国家不能再依靠山构成的界限来防御了。 burglar n.夜贼 一名夜贼昨晚闯入了我的房子。 devour v.吞灭 大火吞没了20平方英里的森林。 dreary adj.阴沉的 这是一个阴沉的日子,寒冷又没有阳光。 fling v.投掷 男孩子们喜欢往水中投石子。 homage n.尊崇 他向阵亡的无名英雄鞠躬表示崇敬。 inescapable adj.不可避免的 死亡是无法避免的,每个人都会死。 radical adj. 1.基本的 2.极端的 这两个体制之间,有一些基本的差异。 他的观念太极端,令大多数人无法接受。 shiver v.颤抖 男孩和女孩们因寒冷而全身颤抖。 sly adj.狡猾的 当厨师转身时,那只狡猾的猫把肉叼走了。 stall n.畜舍 马被安置在独立的马厩里。 vanquish v.征服 起初她因害怕而颤抖,但最后终于克服了恐惧。