450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
adorn He adorned his story with all sorts of adventures that never happened. baggage I need a man to carry my baggage to the train. bunch We sent him a bunch of flowers on his birthday. clap The children clapped when he finished his speech on children’s day. deliberate A statesman should be deliberate in his political speeches. We were deliberating whether we should buy a new motorcar. enclose We are going to enclose our back yard to keep dogs out. I enclosed a check or 10$ with the letter. frontier There were many guards and soldiers along the frontier. implement Plow and threshing machine are farm implements. leap He went over the fence with a single leap. luster This shampoo adds more luster to your hair than any other brand. perfume We enjoyed the perfume of the flowers in the garden. swear Will you swear to the truth of your statement?
adorn v.装饰;美化 他用各种并未发生的冒险经历来美化他的故事。 baggage n.行李 我需要有个人把我的行李提到火车上。 bunch n.串;束 我们在他生日那天送他一束花。 clap v.鼓掌 当他结束他的儿童演说时,孩子们都鼓起掌来。 deliberate adj. 1.从容不迫 v. 2.考虑 政治家演说时,应该从容不迫。 我们正考虑是否买一部新汽车。 enclose v. 1.围以篱笆,墙 2.附寄 我们将要在后院设墙以防止狗进来。 我随函附寄一张100美元的支票。 frontier n.边界 沿着边界设有许多守卫和士兵。 implement n.工具 犁和打谷机都是农具。 leap n.跳跃 他一跳便跃过这篱笆了。 luster n.光辉 这种洗发精比任何一种别的牌子的更能增加你头发的光泽。 perfume n.香味 我们喜欢花园里的花香。 swear v.发誓 你愿发誓你的声明是真实的吗?