节目采用张红岩编著的《词以类记—TOEFL iBT词汇》,只听写英文单词,听完一个单词回车另起一行听写下一个单词,句子和中文不用听写。 Hints:本期22个单词,其中“新石器时代的”、“中石器时代的”、“旧石器时代的”这三个单词首字母大写。
archeology invaluable unearth scoop exhume excavate excavation Neolithic Mesolithic Paleolithic origin chronological archaic ascend originate primitive remnant porcelain antique antiquity skull artifact
archeology 考古学 invaluable 无价的 valuable, precious unearth 发掘 发现 uncover, exhume A recent excavation unearthed a pottery(陶器 陶 器场) of Ming dynasty. scoop 汲取 挖掘 dig, pick He used his bare hands to scoop up water from the river. exhume 掘出 excavate dig (ex出+hume土) The coroner(验尸官) exhumed the body in order to perform tests regarding the cause of death. excavate 挖掘 dig, delve They excavated a huge hold for the foundation of the building. excavation 挖掘 发掘 挖掘成的洞 出土文物 Neolithic 新石器时代的 Mesolithic 中石器时代的 Paleolithic 旧石器时代的 origin 起源 由来 chronological 按年代顺序的 This article describes events in a chronological order. archaic 古的 old (arch古+aic) The arckaic ship was just like the ones used centuries earlier. ascend 追溯 His ascestors ascend to the 15th century. originate 发源于 initiate, start The compass(罗盘) originated from China. primitive 原始的 最初的 crude, original, primordial remnant 残留 遗迹 remains, leftover, vestige No remnants of the settlement of Roanoke, Virginia were found by the next group of colonists. porcelain 瓷器 china antique 古物 古董 antiquity 古代 古老 古代的遗物 skull 头骨 头脑 artifact 人造物品