XMzcxMTM0NjE2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> T: You better put that back. Put it back where you got it or she'll know you were in here. S: I'm sorry. I knocked. The door was open. T:      1    I was on the phone. My lawyer called. The D.A. is dropping the charges against me. S: They're not gonna charge you with killing Alison? T:      2   The district attorney can't go to trial without it. S: They're finished with you? T: Not finished.      3    But for right now, I'm free, once I get this ball and chain off my leg.      4    S: I could drive you, if you want me to. 【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
I heard you, but I couldn't answer the door. I didn't get the details, but he said the blood evidence was corrupted. They can charge me anytime they find new evidence. I'm waiting for my dad to take me to the courthouse for that.