XMzcxMTM1NzQ4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> S: You could start to get your life back. T: I'm not so sure I want it back. Not the way it was.      1    S: I figured out what the message means.      2    It wasn't B-A-D. It was the number 2-1-4. What does that mean? T: I don't know. S: Toby?! T: I heard Jenna in her room on the phone talking to somebody. I don't know who. They were talking about you. S: Talking about me? T: Jenny used the embosser attached to her computer, and I slipped in and made a rubbing of what she printed out. Two-one-four.      3    S: It could be anything. A house number, an area code... T:      4    S: Are you afraid of Jenna? T: I was.      5    She's got the power in that house. But I'm not afraid of her the way I used to be. That makes her nervous. You make her nervous. S: I do? 【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
I have to make some changes. Braille uses the same symbols for letters and numbers. Does that number mean anything to you? We have to figure it out, for both our sakes. I still have to be careful not to cross her.