XMzcxMjY1NDk2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> P: Nick. N: Hello, Pam. P: We need to talk. N: I was wondering when I'd hear from you. This isn't personal.      1    This is about what the school is doing to my daughter. P: Yeah. It's about your daughter.      2    N: I didn't expect you to understand. P: Oh, I understand.      3    N: Okay, you're upset... P: No, not yet. But I'm getting there.      4    That's how we raised her. That is who she is. So you drop this, Nick.      5    【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
You deal with your family problems any way that you want. It's about you trying to make her into some kind of professional victim and using my daughter to do it. I understand that you always thinks there's someone else to blame when things don't go your way. My daughter never got anything she didn't earn. Drop it, or I'll show you what a real agenda looks like.
你可以以任何方式处理你自己的家庭问题。 这件事关系到居心叵测的利用我的女儿,卷入这种专业的受害。 我知道,为了不挡你的道,你会找替罪羊的 我女儿得到的任何东西都是她挣来的 诱惑啊,我会让你看真实的agenda是什么样子的 ——译文来自: q360151728