<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
J: I told him how to get back his hotel. And here's the kicker... it wouldn't cost him a dime.
B: What are you talking about?
J: I'm saying Chuck can have the Empire, and all it would cost is you spending the night with me. How's that grab you?
GG: Careful, B. Jack Bass' weapon of choice comes fully loaded, [---1---]
B: I'd rather spend the night with the Marquis De Sade, and yes, I know he's dead.
J: I'm surprised this is your response knowing how attached Chuck is to his hotel, [---2---] I thought you really cared for him.
B: Excuse me, I thought you were just a disgusting pig. But now I realize you're actually demented.
J: [---3---] and I would find this particular conquest deeply satisfying.
B: While I'm flattered, I assure you that Chuck and I
will find another way.
J: Chuck opened his heart to you, and now his future lies in your hands... Well, not your hands, exactly. [---4---]
and if he hits his target there'll be at least two victims. what it means to him. Taking what belongs to Chuck has become a real passion of mine, But you could fix this.
J: 我跟他说过 要怎样才能拿回他的酒店 而且这办法... 他连一个铜板都不用花 B:你在说什么? J:我是说 Chuck可以拿回帝国酒店 而代价 就是让你... 和我共度一宿 你怎么看呢? GG:B 要小心 Jack Bass的武器已经蓄势待发 一旦他选中目标 出招 便有可能一箭双雕 B:我宁愿跟萨德侯爵那变态 共度夜晚(电影人物) 当然 我知道他死翘翘了 J:你这回答真让我惊讶...因为你知道Chuck很看重这酒店 这酒店对他意义重大 我原以为你真的很在乎他 B:不好意思 我原以为你只是畜生 不过现在我知道 你连猪狗都不如 J:我的兴趣就是夺走Chuck所拥有的一切 而你这战利品绝对能够满足我的欲望 真让我受宠若惊 但我相信 我和Chuck B: 肯定能另觅途径 J:Chuck对你掏心掏肺 现在 他的未来都就掌握在你的手里... 准确来说 不是掌握在你的手里 但你有这能力 他甚至都不会知道