
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>

D: See you later, Waldorf.
So, uh, so today was not boring.
J: No.
I never should have asked mom to come home,
but I didn't see this coming.
D: Who could've?
Don't worry about it.
J: [---1---] you know?
D: I know, or that they had lives
before each other, huh?
J: Lily seemed pretty upset.
I wonder what happened
while we were gone.
D: Uh, I-I don't know, but it looks like
we're about to find out.
L: Hey!
Who's in the mood for a little
Humphrey family scrimmage?
What'll it be?
Boys against the girls?
J: Oh, definitely girls against the boys
because last year,
D: [---3---]
Hey, hey, I was nursing
a rotator cuff injury from aught-5.
J: Come on, mom.
A: Yep.
D: So, uh, dad, not that I'm--
not that I'm mad, exactly,
but not telling me about
Serena's mom was extremely uncool.
L: I should've said something, I know.
And I'm sorry.
D: Given the ick factor alone,
I would say that you set my progress back
by at least several months.
L: Oh, come on.
You're a Humphrey man.
No daughter of Lily's could ever resist.
D: How'd you leave it back there with her?
L: Well, I wouldn't be expecting Lily
over for dinner anytime soon.
[---5---] not the past.
That's a lot easier for
all of us without her around.
D: Well...
Well, let's play
with the old pigskin then.
It's so weird to think that our parents had lives before us, Kids against the parents? I got burned by Dan's weak forward pass. Let's go work out our plays. Your mom and I need to focus on the future,
D: 再见 Waldorf 今天还挺有趣 J: 是的 我不该叫妈妈回来 我没预见到 D: 谁能? 别担心 想着他们在我们之前 有自己的生活很奇怪 或者是他们在彼此之前也都有段故事? J: Lily看起来很不安 我想知道事情怎么样了 D: 不知道 不过看来我们很快就知道了 L: 嘿! 来场Humphrey家庭球赛? 怎么分? 孩子对大人? 男生对女生? J: 当然男对女 因为去年 我被Dan软弱的传球拖累 D: 我练了肩头肌肉 J: 走 妈妈 我们研究一下战术 A: 好 D: 爸爸 我不是生气 真的 但隐瞒我Serena妈妈的事情真不够意思 L: 我应该告诉你的 对不起 D: 因为你的缘故 延误了我的计划 L: 别这样 你是Humphrey家的男人 Lily的女儿不可能抗拒的了 D: 后来怎么处理的? L: Lily最近不会过来吃饭了 你妈妈和我应该多考虑未来 而不是过去 没有她在 我们就容易的多 D: 好吧... 我们打球吧