
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
Bree: You know, [---1---], so one night I bought ice cream cone cupcakes. From the treats truck, and we bonded. She taught me how to say "hello" in Swahili. Jambo.
B: Aw. Do you happen to know what the Swahili is for "mind your own beeswax"? No reason, of course.
It just might be useful someday on Safari.
C: Blair, come on, so, Bree, You went home last week?
B`: Yeah. Tried to mend the I'm dating-a-Van-Der-Bilt-fence. It didn't work. We're southern, so family loyalty's really big down there.
B: [---2---] What? I'm joking. You know i'm joking, Right, Bree?
N: So what's Serena doing? She still dating Baizen, or she come to her senses yet?
B`: Carter Baizen? Is he in town? I, I heard he was away on business.
B: He is. Traveling is so important. Bree, [---3---]
C: I wasn't aware you knew Carter.
B`: Yeah. Our families used to vacation together on sea island. I've been trying to track him down. You guys mind if I order for the table?
N: She was in Shanghai last year.
B: Nate doesn't like tofu when it's called bean curd,
and he hasn't eaten pork since he saw "babe," with me.
B`: Well, okay, um, I'll let you guys fend for yourself.
Hmm? If you'll excuse me.
C: Blair.
B: What?
C: [---4---]
N: So you're happy with Chuck. Don't I deserve to be happy as well?
B: [---5---], Nate. I know women, and none of us are that nice.
my roommate and I didn't see eye to eye at first Like slavery. have you ever thought about traveling somewhere very far away? I'll go apologize for my girlfriend. Trust me
B`:和路易·威登扫帚扔在地板上 吸血鬼不骑扫帚 布莱尔 那乔治娜就是基因突变 要知道 我的室友和我 开始也互相看不上眼 所以一天晚上我从冰激凌车上 买了冰激凌蛋糕 我们的关系就变融洽了 她还教我说斯瓦希里语的你好 你好 你也恰好知道用斯瓦希里语怎么说 B:少管闲事吧 没有理由 当然 也许哪天旅行的时候可以用上 C:布莱尔 别这样 B:布里 你上周回家了吗 B`:对 尽量让他们接受我和他约会的事 但是不奏效 在我们南方 忠于家庭很重要 B:就像奴隶制度 怎么了 我开玩笑的 布里你知道我开玩笑的 对吧 N:瑟琳娜在做什么 还在和贝森约会吗 或者她已经清醒过来了 B`:卡特·贝森 他在镇上吗 我听说他去谈生意去了 是的 旅行出差是很重要的 你有没有想过旅行呢 旅行去很远的地方 C:我不知道你认识卡特 B`:对 我们两家曾一起去海岛旅行过 我一直都想找到他 要是不介意 我就点菜了 N:她去年在上海 B:内特不喜欢豆腐被叫做"头敷" 而且自从他和我看了《猪宝贝》 他就不吃猪肉了