Dan本想借助Chuck来压制B,不料,他们之间的战争早已结束,可怜的Lonely boy.

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
B: Well, you're just about six months late for that, aren't ya, Humphrey?
D: Hey, I, uh, I didn't expect to see you here. I assumed...
B: [---1---], after that silly "Gossip girl" blast? It was obviously fake.
D: What gave you that idea?
B: We have enemies, Humphrey. [---2---]
C: We anticipated someone would try to mess with us.
B: And this handiwork has your lying little sister's fingerprints all over it. Besides, Jack Bass wasn't in France last summer. He was in Chile.
C: Again, uh, how did you know that?
B: I must've read about it somewhere.
C: Regardless, this incident inspired us to add
a new addendum to the treaty. The notary just left.
D: Now wait wait a second. There--there--there's a treaty?
Like an actual legal document?
C: Humphrey, the intricacies of our war games are too complex for prole like you to fathom.
B: As an additional gesture of trust, Chuck, [---3---]
C: I gratefully accept.
B: And since gothic barbie remains safely quarantined upstate, [---4---], if you're feeling lonely.
Hints: Chuck
That Chuck and I would be back at war All powerful people do. I would like to invite you to my birthday party this evening. feel free to stop by
B:你这个建议可真是晚了大半年呀 对不对 汉弗瑞 D:我 没想到你也在这里 我以为 B:你以为自上次八卦天后大爆料后 我跟恰克又开战了 是吧 那消息明显是假的 D:怎么这么说 C:我们有劲敌 汉弗瑞 B:所有有权有势的人都有 我们认为有人在中间搞鬼 而搞鬼的这个人 很明显是你那位撒谎的小妹妹 另外 去年夏天杰克·拜斯并不在法国 他在智利 C:这个 你又是怎么知道的 B:应该是在某个地方看到的 不管怎么样 这次事件启发了我们 C:在条约上附加一条 不过公证人恰好不在 等等 你们还有条约 具有法律效力的那种吗 B:汉弗瑞 作为一个无产阶级 你是搞不懂这场错综复杂的战争的 B:恰克 为了进一步表明我对你的信任 我想邀请你参加今晚的生日派对 我表示非常感谢 既然那只小毒蝎被隔离在偏远地带 你若是觉得寂寞 随时欢迎你的到来