可怜的S和D 爱情之火还没燃烧起来就被浇熄了

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>
S: Dan! Dan, wait. I'm so sorry.
D: There's no -- there's no need to be. Really, __1__
S: No, you didn't. Look, I'm sorry about Blair and Chuck.
D: It's not about Blair or Chuck. I mean, it is, but it's -- it's not just them.
S: No, I know. Trust me, I know. This world -- it -- it's crazy.
D: Yeah, it -- it is...__2__
S: What, and you didn't know that?
D: I don't know.I - I thought you were different.
S: Well, I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was, __3__, you know, and all I can do is try to change. But if you can't accept that, then, you know, you're not who I thought you were. Well, __4__
I shouldn't have come here today. I made a mistake. and you're a part of it. but what's happened is in the past I guess we both made mistakes.
<译文> Serena: Dan!Dan 等等 我很抱歉 Dan: 没 没必要 我今天不该来的 我自己找麻烦 Serena: 不 你没有 关于Blair跟Chuck 我很抱歉-- Dan: 跟Blair和Chuck无关 是他们挑起的 但问题不单在他们身上 Serena: 我知道 相信我 我知道 这个圈子的人都是疯的 Dan: 的确是 你也是这个圈子的一部分 Serena: 怎么 你以前不知道? Dan: 我不知道 我以为你不一样 Serena: 抱歉我跟你想象的不一样 但那些都是过去的事 我在尽最大的努力改变 如果你无法接受这些 那 那么你也不是我想的那种人呢 我想我们都搞错了