
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
V: I mean, there's obviously a reason you took these photos.
J: Yeah, [---1---], but I had a change of heart.
V: If you're doing this because of Nate, [---2---] He set you up. How do you think he took you to coffee out of the blue? He kept you occupied while I searched your apartment. And I, uh, told Nate about the photos. And I'm pretty sure he's filling in Blair right now. Face it. [---3---], you're an outsider just like me. And if it's ever between one of us and Serena Van Der Woodsen. They will always choose Serena.
J: Excuse me, dean Reuther. [---4---]
GG: [---5---], Serena.
It's gonna be hard to dance your way out of this one.
there was then you should know the truth. At the end of the day I have something that you need to see. Put on your toe shoes
V:我是说 你不会无缘无故拍这些照片 J:没错 我是有原因 但是我改变主意了 V:如果你是为了内特而改变 那你应该知道真相 他给你设了圈套 你以为他为什么突然找你去喝咖啡 新信息 来自内特 我正和她在一起 你进公寓了吗 他负责缠住你 而我则趁机搜查你的公寓 而我 已经告诉内特那些照片的事了 我肯定他正在跟布莱尔讲这事呢 面对现实吧 过了今天 你和我一样是局外人 只要涉及瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森 他们永远会站在她那边的 J:打扰一下 鲁瑟院长 我有些东西想给您看下 GG:穿好你的芭蕾舞鞋吧 瑟琳娜 想跳出这一劫 难度不小哦